Holy Week: Remembering our Coptic brothers and sisters
Happy Monday morning!
Yesterday was Palm Sunday, a Christian celebration of the last week of our Lord Jesus’ earthly life and ministry. But, this year, a week of reflection on Jesus’ love, life, and sacrifice began with a global tragedy; our brothers and sisters in Tanta, Egypt were brutally attacked.
CNN reports, “ISIS claimed responsibility for bombings that killed 43 at two Coptic churches in Egypt on Palm Sunday — brazen strikes against a vulnerable minority on one of the most important days on the Christian calendar.”
During this Holy Week, may we remember those whose suffering for Christ is costing them a lot of pain and even death. Christian suffering anywhere must be Christians’ burden everywhere.
Amidst a world of greed and the pursuit of worldly success, let us pause to pray for the suffering saints.
The Passover season begins tonight. The Christian believes that Jesus became our passover. His suffering was so that we might have eternal life. 2 Timothy 2:12 promises those who follow Christ:
If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us.
There is no denying that more than any others, Christians around the world suffer the most for their faith.
May we find ourselves being faithful to Christ. And, should we be persecuted, let it be for Christ and not for our own wrong doing.
Have a wonderful Passover Celebration, a prayerful Holy Week!
Because of Christ,
Dr. Antipas
Category: Living the Faith, Spring 2017