Ways to Minister to Cancer Patients This Summer
How can you serve friends and the people of your congregation who are battling cancer? In this guest article, Rev. Percy McCray suggests practical ways to demonstrate you care.

Image: Annie Spratt
The sun is heating up and that is cause for alarm for some cancer patients. Not everyone can get out and enjoy the weather, or work on outdoor chores.

For more information on Our Journey of Hope, or to speak with Rev. Percy McCray, please contact Mendy Nestor at mendy@infinityconcepts.net, or at 724.244.8008.
The following are a few tips on how to minister to your friends, family and congregation, who are dealing with cancer throughout the summer months.
- Check in on them regularly to be sure they are staying cool. Bring a fan if they have no air conditioner, or raise money for an air conditioner unit.
- Keep cold water bottles or ice in their refrigerator. Staying hydrated is extremely important for a cancer patient and can help to increase their comfort.
- Bring together a group to take care of their yard/housework for them. Mow the lawn, water the flowers, vacuum or do dishes.
- Bring them sunscreen (broad spectrum), and a hat for days when they do go outside.
- If they have children, offer to take them to the park, or the pool. Walk their dogs for them, or take them to the groomer or vet.
- Bring them encouraging and uplifting books or videos. Their friends and family may have more commitments out of the house during the summer and could leave them often alone, looking for entertainment.
- If they are feeling up to it, offer to bring them to your church’s vacation Bible school, or other events.
The Our Journey of Hope® cancer care ministry program, developed by Cancer Treatment Centers of America®, offers many more helpful tips and ways to appropriately minister to cancer patients and their caregivers. Visit www.OurJourneyofHope.com for additional information and to sign up for a cancer care leadership training.
Category: Ministry, Summer 2017