Ten Things I’ve Learned About Raising Up Worship Leaders
From the Worship Leader series.
I like the “Five Step Discipleship model” I learned from John Wimber:
- Lead worship with a worship leader in training in attendance.
- Have that person play alongside you while you lead.
- Have that person lead while you play alongside him or her.
- Talk about the worship time afterward.
- Finish the process by letting them lead alone.
As long as you’re a page ahead of the people you’re leading, you have something to say!

Copyright Stan Myers. Used with permission.
Be committed to building God’s kingdom, not your own. If there’s only one weekly meeting in your church, you might have to share your space! Co-lead with an apprentice. Gradually increase his or her levels of responsibility.
Worship leaders have more authority when their lives match their songs. Outstanding worshippers in the Bible are also noted for their acts of service to God. Furthermore, when the church sees someone who is “going for it” in God’s kingdom they are more willing to follow that person in worship.
At the Anaheim Vineyard, we have a gifted worship leader named Mike Kinnen. Mike spearheaded worship in a local church plant. He had lots of responsibilities that were new to him, like raising up a worship band and worship with a P.A. system. Then, he raised up other worship leaders and left them doing it in his place. I like to work with risk-takers who don’t quit even when the going gets tough.
You can’t lead people that don’t want to follow you. The most fruitful mentoring relationships I’ve have are those in which there is mutual admiration between the two parties. If a person has the skills, experience, knowledge, perspective and character that I admire, I’ll have a reason to pursue them.
The best worship band leaders are good pastors and leaders. Worship team members need to be cared for as people, not just deployed as musicians. If a young leader has a compassionate heart and is a good people person, he or she can be trained to pastor.
Give someone a little responsibility and see how it goes. It is important to determine if the worship trainee is “faithful with the little things.” Even if God speaks to you powerfully about a person’ calling, a proven track record will confirm what god has shown you before you give someone a permanent position.
The Classroom
The basics of worship and worship leading can be taught once or twice a year through a six or eight session course. Worship leaders and take more advance course once they are leading. When they find out what they don’t know, they’re more teachable.!
Category: Ministry, Winter 2001