| September 27, 2017 |
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Jen Miskov’s new book publishes October 3, 2017.
Jennifer A. Miskov, Walking on Water: Experiencing a Life of Miracles, Courageous Faith and Union with God (Bloomington, MN: Chosen Books, 2017), 192 pages, ISBN 9780800798512.
Jennifer Miskov is both a scholar and a revivalist. Her web site (www.SilverToGold.com/Jen-Miskov) gives us some details about her education and ministry. She has a Ph.D. in Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies from the University of Birmingham in the U.K. She was ordained by Heidi Baker, writes books, and is the founding director of Destiny House, which seeks to build communities of worshippers. In addition, she teaches a class on revival history at the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry at Bethel Church in Redding, California. Heidi Baker wrote the foreword of the book and New Testament scholar, Dr. Craig Keener, wrote an endorsement for the book.
After the foreword the reader will find a short section titled “Beginnings” which is followed by seventeen chapters. At the end of each chapter there is an “activation.” The activations are exercises designed to help the reader apply the truths that were covered in the chapter. A number of the activations include prayers that can be prayed to further embrace the contents of the chapter.
“We can stay safe inside the boat and live mediocre and normal lives and still go to heaven. I wonder, though, what might be awaiting us if we leave our comfort zones and venture out into the dangerous waters because Jesus is there.”
—Jen Miskov
As you may have already guessed the book is based largely on Peter’s experience of walking to Jesus on the water as recorded in Matthew 14:22-33. Miskov draws out insights and principles from the biblical text and shows us how Peter’s experiences in the boat and on the water are relevant for believers today. At times she puts us in Peter’s shoes. The author tells us that encountering storms in life does not necessarily mean that we have not heard the voice of the Lord (page 34). She points out that the disciples found themselves in a storm because they did obey Jesus (page 37). She is careful as she writes about stepping out in faith, admitting that things don’t always turn out as we wish they would. The challenges or struggles of faith as well as its rewards are discussed. Throughout the pages of this book the author shares many of her own experiences in her walk of faith. At times she speaks about the experiences of others in church history such as Rees Howells and Lilias Trotter. Miskov advocates for bold faith. For example, in the opening pages she writes, “We can stay safe inside the boat and live mediocre and normal lives and still go to heaven. I wonder, though, what might be awaiting us if we leave our comfort zones and venture out into the dangerous waters because Jesus is there” (page 22). She does, however, indicate that not everyone is called to the same exploits of faith as not everyone has the same calling; Peter was the only one called to get out of the boat (page 59). The priority for everyone is to be drawing near to Jesus, cultivating intimacy with Him. Miskov stresses this point in the book.
Tags: jennifer, miskov, walking, water
Category: Fall 2017, Living the Faith