Is God using dreams in a special way during the pandemic?
John Lathrop wrote to many Pentecostal/charismatic Bible teachers to ask them if they have found that God is speaking to people more frequently or vividly through dreams during this time of isolation. Here are some of the responses that he received, may they become prompts to you for prayer.
Carolyn Tennant
A former student (graduate) of IBRP (Instituto Biblico Rio de la Plata) in Buenos Aires, Argentina recently woke up with a vivid dream of the holy city drawing near to the earth. Some people were already in it, but it would soon be populated with more.
Interestingly enough, that night I was reading (as I was progressing through Revelation) from the church at Pergamum in Rev. 3 and found this very thing referenced there. It was very impacting to me.
Addendum: Many IBRP students and faculty are reporting having dreams and visions during the pandemic.
J.D. King
Yes, John, I’ve been hearing a number of interesting reports. There are some individuals in my church that are seeing different things. Many of them are discussing notions of intense spiritual warfare. Even some kids seem to be having profound encounters. These sensations are extremely vast on one hand, but also understated.
Let me clarify that these are not weird or irrational people. So, I am listening attentively to their thoughts.
Most specifically, I’ve been hearing things from my daughter. She is nineteen-years-old and currently suffering from auto-immune disease. She has had several visions/dreams. The reoccurring vision is something along lines of a dark and sinister aura trying to advance toward the earth to crush and counteract that which is virtuous and good. She suggested that this evil force is desperate—reaching, grasping—but much of what it’s struggling to clutch, it cannot actually reach. She’s seeing something of the Spirit of God pushing back against this treachery and stopping it. Her takeaway is that Satan wants to obstruct and destroy—and is making an extraordinary effort. But God is on the threshold of bringing life and glory. She feels that God is about to release a remarkable move of the Spirit in the United States. From the darkness comes the glorious dawn.
It seems that one’s theology colors their prophetic experiences.
It seems that one’s theology colors their prophetic experiences. Those with a more pessimistic outlook, see darker pictures and themes, but the more hopeful see ultimate victory. Obviously, the prophetic, and all non-scriptural impressions, must be diligently scrutinized and interpreted (1 Thes. 5:19-21). Christians are inadvertently filtering events through pre-existing worldviews and theological constructs. There should be humility in all of this.
I will conclude by saying this, perhaps both warnings and hope are messages from God. Both give relevant guidance to believers who are in a place of deep intercession and need.
Carolyn Tennant
Let us pray for unity and a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit. How much the world needs Jesus!
Craig Keener
A dream that has become a prayer point:
Early in the process of COVID spreading I dreamed that it was caused by the devil tweaking an existing virus to weaponize it against humanity, and that some scientists were on the forefront of finding a solution against it, God being with them.
But I think you had asked if there were more prophetic dreams after COVID than before, so I didn’t mention that. I’ve been having prophetic dreams for a few years now.
Loren Sandford shared his April 15, 2020 newsletter, that has much to say about dreams.
“What has Happened… and What is Coming?”
More from Loren Sandford at
Craig Keener
Craig Keener shared an email newsletter from Will and Dehavilland Ford titled, “Update On Our 7 year Old’s Covid 19 Dreams For 7 Nights In A Row! Here’s What God Revealed To Us.”
Here is one place that article was reprinted:
Spiritual explosion in the Middle East
Included here is the April 21, 2020 Press Release from Christian broadcaster SAT-7, “COVID-19 Lockdown Ignites ‘Spiritual Explosion’ as Middle East Clamors for ‘Real Hope’: Christian broadcaster SAT-7 reports surge in viewer numbers, social media interest, as coronavirus shutdown ‘opens hearts’ of millions ‘stuck at home.’” Although this report does not mention dreams, there are many sources that describe how God is using dreams to awaken hearts to the reality of the love, power, and forgiveness found only in Jesus.
Amid strict coronavirus lockdowns, millions of people across the Middle East and North Africa—“clamoring” for a spiritual and practical lifeline—are finding help right in their own homes through “living television.”

CORONAVIRUS IGNITES ‘SPIRITUAL EXPLOSION’ IN MIDDLE EAST: Christian satellite television broadcaster SAT-7 ( reports a dramatic surge in viewer numbers and social media interest, as the coronavirus lockdown ‘opens the hearts’ of millions of people stuck at home in the Middle East and North Africa. The ministry continues to broadcast across the region 24/7 in local languages.
In the region where Christianity began but is now a minority faith, Christian satellite television broadcaster SAT-7 ( has seen viewer numbers surge and social media interest skyrocket since the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders.
“There’s an explosion of spiritual hunger across the Middle East and North Africa right now as people stuck at home seek real hope and real answers,” said Dr. Rex Rogers, president of SAT-7 USA. SAT-7 continues to broadcast shows 24/7 that present Christians as ‘living epistles’ who speak to people where they are in life.
“Millions of people in countries like Iran, Iraq and Turkey are clamoring to see and hear in their own language what it’s like to be a follower of Jesus in a time of crisis,” Rogers said.
In coronavirus hotspot Turkey, where 99 percent of the population is non-Christian, more viewers have contacted the SAT-7 TÜRK channel daily in the past few weeks than any day in the previous five years since broadcasts began.
In Iran, another virus hotspot, viewers’ calls and messages to the live, Farsi-language Signal show—beamed into millions of homes across the nation—jumped to seven times the usual number last month, as Iranians rattled by the pandemic turned to the show’s hosts for reassurance and practical advice.
One viewer shared how God was looking after her family, even though “we don’t even have any loose change.” She told other Signal viewers: “We’re living in faith, and we’re praying for everyone else.”
Across the Middle East and North Africa, SAT-7 KIDS Facebook audience has soared more than 500 percent as children stream videos offering encouragement and hope based on Bible passages.
Total Lockdown, Open Hearts
“Coronavirus has locked people inside their homes, but it’s opening hearts to God,” said Rogers. “Lockdown and social isolation do not stop our unique satellite and online Christian programs from reaching millions of adults and children where they live.”
A total of 30 million viewers are tuning into SAT-7’s uplifting Christian live shows and recorded broadcasts that take a holistic view of life, addressing spiritual, emotional, physical, and social concerns. Hosted by Christian presenters, shows tackle the topics that most deeply affect everyday life in the volatile region, and invite viewers to join in the discussion.
“When people have hope, they find the strength to carry on,” said Lebanon-born SAT-7 CEO Rita El-Mounayer, based at the ministry headquarters in Cyprus. “Our broadcasts and social media channels are needed more now than ever.”
The ministry reports 160,000 people watched “God, Fear, and the Coronavirus,” one of SAT-7’s mental health programs, featuring church leader and psychiatrist Dr. Maher Samuel.
An online video—featuring the popular presenter of the ministry’s Family of Jesus children’s show—reached more than 425,000 people and was shared 2,700 times. Meanwhile, the ministry’s SAT-7 Academy—a social development and education channel—doubled its audience on social media.

Image: Joshua Newton
Paul King
Another of our prayer intercessors shared with me another dream she received. It does not appear to apply to our own church fellowship, but it appears to me to apply to the Church, the Body of Christ as a whole. Even with the Coronavirus, although we have seen some great inter-cooperation between churches and pastors, the Church as a whole is still not united. The moved table is significant. It reminds me of the saying and book, Who Moved My Cheese? Everyone has their set way of doing things, and when things get moved or changed, people in the church can’t handle it. I am no Joseph, so I don’t have the whole picture, but this little bit may shed some light. Here is her dream:
Last night, I had a dream that seemed significant enough to share, based on your request:
There was a large gathering at a house, or maybe an apartment. There were a lot of little details, such as the wooden floor, tall windows, upper level, etc. that I’m not sure mean anything, but the actions did.
The people there were gathering together for a meal. All of them seemed to be extended family, though I recognized no one. There was a definite sense of it being a religious celebration, but no one was celebrating; they were too busy bickering with one another. There was obvious jealousy, apathy, and drudgery among the people regarding the event.
One man tried to lead the group, and I sensed his faith was genuine. However, he also showed little humility or compassion. He was more concerned with how he was being unnecessarily persecuted by another man (a brother?) mocking him.
Another seemingly important detail (though I don’t know why) is the table was moved from the room where it usually sat, into an adjacent room very similar in size and structure.
My one memorable role was when a “cousin?” asked where she was supposed to sit, because there was no table. I joked about sitting on cushions like Jesus’ disciples. She was not amused. I then pointed her to the other room where everyone was sitting down and the one faithful man had begun to pray. Although he was sincere, his prayer was weak and he was clearly distracted by the others’ indignation.
The room was crowded with people, but no one was there with the right heart, including me. I was a confused outsider who was somehow supposed to be a part of all this.
My sense upon waking was this was a picture of church disunity, apathy, and disregard for the LORD’s worthiness of celebration. It was disheartening, but also confusing, as those I’m surrounded by don’t seem to fit this model at all.
What about you? What have you experienced in this season? What is the Holy Spirit saying to those that have ears to hear?
Category: Living the Faith, Spring 2020