Summer 2001: Other Significant Articles
Cedric Harmon, “God’s Lightning Rod” Charisma (Vol 26, No 9, April 2001), pages 62-66, 107. Is Rick Joyner a New Testament prophet? Whether he is or not, his ministry is not without criticism. If you are interested in the prophetic movement in general, or Joyner’s new book Shadow of Things to Come in specific, […]
The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah, Part 2, by Kevin M. Williams
Matthew 1:18-2:12 “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows …” (Matt. 1:18). We could likely spend a lot of time debating the season of the Messiah’s birth, but we are not going to. We will not even try. Christian tradition holds to the 25th of December, a date that parallels the celebration of […]