Working for Others While in the Shadows, by Murray Hohns
I am 81 years old, and my wife is 80. We have enjoyed our years together; we learned early to respect and allow the differences that are part of each of us to be there without causing serious division. We have learned that it is good for us to do different things together, to have some space and time for ourselves, and to have the courage to talk to each other when it would be easier to be silent.
Scripture tells us that God works for us in the darkness. We too can work for our spouses in the darkness. How? By doing little things and big things, by putting them and their desires ahead of yours. They do not have to know that we are doing this, but if you do put your spouse first, I know that you will receive the blessings of God. I know this for I have been a recipient of His blessings (and my wife’s, too) for the past months and so many years before and beyond.
H. Murray Hohns
Category: Living the Faith, Summer 2012