Touched by the Wind: The Charismatic Movement in the Episcopal Church
Finally, the Holiness Movement offers a clue for a possible way forward. In its nineteenth century theological expression, it has little to say to us today. Its substantive understanding of sin being removed from the heart of the believer has not stood the test of experience. Depth psychology revealing the subtle and hidden motivations governing our behavior helps to explain why. Yet the same discipline has also demonstrated that a crisis experience will often result in the transformation of behavior.
The roots of Holiness teaching go back through John Wesley to such Anglican divines as Jeremy Taylor (Holy Living and Holy Dying) and William Law (A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life). These seventeenth century Caroline divines gave shape to the spirituality of generations of Anglicans. Perhaps the power of their message can be recovered by the Charismatic Movement to speak to us today.
1 Dennis J. Bennet, “Pastoral Letter to Parishioners of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Van Nuys California,” (April 5, 1960), Reprinted in Trinity, I (Christmastide, 1961-62), p. 7.
2 Ibid.
3Jean Stone, “What is Happening Today in the Episcopal Church?” Trinity, I (Christmastide,1961-62), pp. 8-11.
4 John L. Sherrill, They Speak with Other Tongues (New York, NY: Pyramid Publications, 1963).
5 David Wilkerson, The Cross and the Switchblade (New York, NY: Bernard Geis Associates, 1963).
6 Peter M. Moonie, “The Significance of Neo-Pentecostalism for the Renewal and Unity of the Church in the United States.” (Th.D. Diss., Boston University, 1974), pp. 77, 83-87.
7 Ibid., 83-84.
8 “Speaking in Tongues,” Time (August 15, 1960), p. 53; Michael I. Harrison and John K. Maniha, “Dynamics of Dissenting Movements with Established Organizations: Two Cases and a Theoretical Interpretation,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, XVII (September, 1978), p.210; and, James A. Pike, “Pastoral Letter Regarding Speaking in Tongues,” Pastoral Psychology, XV (May, 1964), p. 57.
9 Michael I. Harrison and John K. Maniha, pp. 208-210.
10 D. H. Battley, “Charismatic Renewal: A View from Inside,” The Ecumenical Review, XXXVIII (January, 1986), p. 2.
Category: Church History, Pneuma Review, Summer 2000