The Spirit of Life
Pastor Winfield Bevins introduces us to God the Holy Spirit and shows from the Bible how He helps us.
The reason many churches are empty, dry, and void of spiritual life is because they have lost touch with the dynamic presence and power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit played an important role in the life and ministry of the early church. It is impossible to understand the explosive growth of the New Testament church without understanding the important role of the Holy Spirit in the church. Sadly, for most of church history the Holy Spirit has been virtually overlooked. However, today many people are hungry to experience the Holy Spirit in their personal life.
God has given the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit to everyone who would believe. After 2000 years, the Spirit continues to play an important role in the Christian life. Without Him, it is impossible for individuals or the church to experience personal renewal. The Holy Spirit has a distinct contribution to make in the postmodern world and the contemporary church. The following chapter is designed to reintroduce you to the Holy Spirit by looking at what the bible says about person and work of the Spirit.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
“Who is the Holy Spirit?” Christians have asked this question throughout the ages. There have been many different opinions as to the personal nature of the Holy Spirit. Some have wondered if the Spirit was a created being, while others believed that the Spirit was an energy force.
Most religions and cults deny the deity and existence of the Holy Spirit. Sadly, even some Christians believe that the Spirit is not fully divine. The writers of the Bible clearly emphasized the deity of the Holy Spirit. The Bible also shows that there is a unique relationship between the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. This interrelationship is often called the Trinity, which refers to three distinct divine Personalities, each wholly God, yet they are one essence. The doctrine of the Trinity has been defended by the Christian church for nearly two thousand years. It cannot be overestimated that the Holy Spirit is divine.
Many Christians also find it hard to understand the personal aspect of the Holy Spirit. Too often we think of the Him in a symbolic and impersonal manner. What we will find, however, is that the Holy Spirit is also a person. The personhood of the Spirit is not merely an abstract idea; rather it carries importance for our personal faith because the Spirit is the One who unites us with Christ.1 Jesus has many times referred to the personal nature of the Holy Spirit. Jesus called the Holy Spirit the “Paraclete,” which means one called alongside. It is one who is an advocate, comforter, or counselor. The word Paraclete implies a distinct personality.
The Bible ascribes Him personal characteristics such as a will (Acts 13:1, 1 Cor. 12:11), mind (1 Cor. 2:10-11, Romans 8:27), and emotions (Eph. 4:30). The Bible also uses many different names, titles, and symbols to paint a portrait of the Holy Spirit, each representing what He does and who He is. For example, The Bible uses symbols such as Fire, Wind, Water, Wine, and a Dove.
The Holy Spirit Today
As we have seen, the Spirit has been moving in the lives of individuals since the world began. Great men and women of the faith have done extraordinary things when they where anointed by the power of the Holy Ghost. This leads us to the question, is the Holy Spirit still active today? Does He still anoint people who seek Him? The answer is yes! He wants to bring you into a deeper more intimate relationship with Him. He wants to use you more than you’ll ever know. You can experience His fullness in your everyday life. Surrender your heart and your life to Him today. We will examine several ways that you can receive the Spirit to your everyday life.
Category: Spirit