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Tag: "winter"

Coming in the Winter 2011 (14:1) Issue

Coming in the Winter 2011 (14:1) Issue

  The Kingdom and the Power. The Pneuma Review has received permission to reprint chapters from this important work that asks: “Are Healing and the Spiritual Gifts Used by Jesus and the Early Church Meant for the Church Today?” The Winter 2011issue will conclude this series with “The Sufficiency of Scripture and Distortion of What […]

Winter 2010: Other Significant Articles

Winter 2010: Other Significant Articles

Milton Acosta, “Power Pentecostalisms: The ‘non-Catholic’ Latin American church is going full steam ahead—but are we on the right track?” Christianity Today (August 2009), pages 40-42. The capacity of Latino Pentecostalism to bring hope and even initiate a new form of democracy is an unmeasured potential, but their independence and neo-Pentecostalism has no instrument for […]

Coming in the Winter 2010 (13:1) Issue

Coming in the Winter 2010 (13:1) Issue

The Kingdom and the Power. The Pneuma Review has received permission to reprint chapters from this important work that asks: “Are Healing and the Spiritual Gifts Used by Jesus and the Early Church Meant for the Church Today?” Kingdom and the Power editors Gray Greig and Kevin Springer take a brief but in depth look […]

Winter 2009: Suggested Reading

Winter 2009: Suggested Reading

    Suggestions for Further Reading Ed Stetzer, “Writing on the Wall: The Future of the Church and Its Mission” Enrichment (Spring 2008), pages 36-41.   Scot McKnight, “The Ironic Faith of Emergents: McLaren shows us not only where ‘post-evangelicals’ are going, but also how they get there.” Christianity Today (September 2008).   […]

Winter 2009: Other Significant Articles

Winter 2009: Other Significant Articles

  Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies 30:2 (2008). An encounter between Trinitarian and Oneness Pentecostal theologians in dialogue produced a six-year study and report on commonalities and differences. Read the report and responses from both sides of the aisle. Some content from this issue is available online without a subscription at […]

Winter 2008: Suggested Reading

Winter 2008: Suggested Reading

      Suggestions for Further Reading Readers have suggested the following as places to find good articles online for further reading on this important subject.   Robert C. Kurka, “Before ‘Foundationalism’: A More Biblical Alternative to the Grenz/Franke Proposal for Doing Theology” JETS 50:1 (March 2007).   Albert Mohler, “Christian Apologetics for a Postmodern […]

Winter 2007: Other Significant Articles

Winter 2007: Other Significant Articles

  John Mortensen, “How Then Shall We Write? A Guide to Composing Better Music for Worship” Cutting Edge (Spring, 2006), pages 6-9. Now in its ninth year of publication, this magazine for Vineyard church planters has a theme in the Spring 2006 issue of helping church planters get worship started and improving on what talents […]

Coming in the Winter 2007 (10:1) Issue

Coming in the Winter 2007 (10:1) Issue

The Power of the Cross. The Pneuma Review is reprinting chapters from The Kingdom and the Power,which asks: “Are Healing and the Spiritual Gifts Used by Jesus and the Early Church Meant for the Church Today?” The Winter 2007 issue will feature “The Purpose of Signs and Wonders in the New Testament: What Terms for […]

Winter 2006: Other Significant Articles

Winter 2006: Other Significant Articles

  Philip Yancey, “A Quirky & Vibrant Mosaic” Christianity Today (June 2005), pages 36-39. Who are evangelicals? They are not so easily defined as a gang of moralists allied with conservative American politics. Four distinctives may summarize what evangelicals identify with: “Conversionism: the belief that lives need to be transformed through a ‘born again’ experience. […]

Coming in the Winter 2006 (9:1) Issue

Coming in the Winter 2006 (9:1) Issue

  The Speaking in Tongues Controversy. Robert Graves continues his review essay, “A Narrative-Critical Response,” Part 2. Graves asks if authorial intent is the doom of Pentecostal theology.     John Alexander Dowie. Pastor Derek Vreeland introduces us to revivalist John Dowie and his ministry of divine healing.     The Secret Codes in Matthew: […]

Winter 2005: Other Significant Articles

Winter 2005: Other Significant Articles

    Jim Montgomery, “Incarnating Jesus Christ includes the Supernatural” Dawn Report 54 (June 2004), pages 1-2. Jim Montgomery, founder of DAWN (Discipling A Whole Nation), writes: “While the west sees only occasional sprinkles of the miraculous power of God, much of the rest world is experiencing a downpour. To truly live out the life […]

Coming in the Winter 2005 (8:1) Issue

Coming in the Winter 2005 (8:1) Issue

  Kevin Williams continues his Messianic Foundations Series with the sixteenth chapter in a mini-series on the Gospel of Matthew. In the coming issue, Kevin will be looking at the final week of Jesus’ life on earth with the triumphal entry into Jerusalem, and how even then he was meeting Jewish expectations of the coming […]

Winter 2004: Other Significant Articles

Winter 2004: Other Significant Articles

    Alan Millard, “Literacy in the Time of Jesus” Biblical Archaeology Review (July/Aug 2003 Vol 29 No 4), pages 36-45. Several lines of evidence can be presented to argue that it is quite probable that someone could have written down the sayings of Jesus during His ministry in Israel. The idea that Jesus’ Galilean […]

From the Editor's Desk: Winter 2003

From the Editor’s Desk: Winter 2003

Blessings to you, reader, in the name of our Messiah and Lord Jesus Christ. It is a true privilege to announce our sixth year of publication beginning with this issue. I am standing in awe of what God has allowed this simple ministry to have accomplished so far. In this issue you will find an […]

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