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Tag: "spiritual"

Leadership: Improving Your Spiritual Service

Leadership: Improving Your Spiritual Service

All leadership skills are learned. No Christian has the edge over anyone else. In other words, believers are born with equal abilities to lead. Spiritual leaders must have a moral compass on which to build these skills. Spiritual leadership provides the moral compass to broaden one’s sphere of influence, to empower people and to create […]

Chima Umejiaku: Pursuit of Spiritual Renewal

Chima Umejiaku: Pursuit of Spiritual Renewal

Chima E. Umejiaku, Pursuit of Spiritual Renewal: A Call to Corporate and Individual Revival (Maitland, FL: Xulon Press Elite, 2017), 180 pages, ISBN 9781545608111. Dr. Chima Umejiaku is an ordained minister with the International Fellowship of Christian Assemblies, which is a classical Pentecostal denomination. He currently serves as pastor of Christian Assembly Church in Lynn, Massachusetts […]

Avoiding Spiritual Dangers and Pitfalls: an interview with Eddie Hyatt

Avoiding Spiritual Dangers and Pitfalls: an interview with Eddie Hyatt

Having recently read and reviewed Angels of Light by Eddie Hyatt, Pastor Larry Russi asks questions to clarify and go even more in-depth.   Larry Russi: Thank you Dr. Hyatt for agreeing to do this interview. I was greatly blessed by your book. Larry Russi: What were the main factors that prompted you to write […]

Charles Kraft: Power Encounter In Spiritual Warfare

Charles Kraft: Power Encounter In Spiritual Warfare

Charles H. Kraft, Power Encounter In Spiritual Warfare (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2017), 124 pages, ISBN 9781532617140. Charles Kraft has taught at Fuller Seminary and has served as a missionary in Nigeria. In addition to these ministries he has also written a number of books including: Christianity With Power: Your Worldview and Your Experience […]

Opoku Onyinah: Spiritual Warfare

Opoku Onyinah: Spiritual Warfare

Opoku Onyinah, Spiritual Warfare: A Centre for Pentecostal Theology Short Introduction (Cleveland, TN: CPT Press, 2012), 196 pages. The Centre for Pentecostal Theology (CPT) Press is initiating an ongoing series of “short introductions”. To date they include the present volume by Onyinah under review and Lee Roy Martin, Fasting: A Centre for Pentecostal Theology Short […]

A Nation Birthed Out of Great Spiritual Awakening

A Nation Birthed Out of Great Spiritual Awakening

Reclaiming America’s Godly Christian Heritage – Part 2: “A Nation Birthed Out of Great Spiritual Awakening” This is a three part series that Dr. Eddie Hyatt presented at a “Revive America” weekend at Christian Life Assembly of God in Picayune, Mississippi. In this series, he documents the radical Christian character of the first immigrants to […]

Invitation to read The Spiritual Decline and Fall of the Republican Party

Invitation to read The Spiritual Decline and Fall of the Republican Party

My recent article, “The Spiritual Decline and Fall of the Republican Party: Is it time to form a Christian Center party?” (April 6, 2016) will not appear at for the very good reason that it is predominantly political. But the editor of The Pneuma Review has been gracious in inviting me to post this […]

Spiritual Gifts 101

Spiritual Gifts 101

A guest article by Tracy Close, introducing you to the gifts of the Holy Spirit spoken of in the Bible. Charismata is the plural form of the Greek word charis, meaning grace. Charismata are the visible effects of grace in word or deed, known more commonly to us as spiritual gifts. Much has been written […]

Ricky Roberts: Just When Did Spiritual Gifts Cease?

Ricky Roberts: Just When Did Spiritual Gifts Cease?

Ricky Roberts, Just When Did Spiritual Gifts Cease? (Florida: Creation House, 2003), 112 pages, ISBN 9781591852353. The basis of this short book is that the spiritual gifts have never ceased. Roberts divides his argument into scriptural and historical evidence. Roberts builds a case that the spiritual gifts were not intended to be temporary, (tied to […]

William Atkinson: The Spiritual Death of Jesus

William Atkinson: The Spiritual Death of Jesus

William P. Atkinson, The ‘Spiritual Death’ of Jesus: A Pentecostal Investigation, Global Pentecostal and Charismatic Studies series (Brill, 2009), 304 pages, ISBN 9789004171992. William P. Atkinson tackles the controversial issue of the supposed spiritual death of Jesus from a firm Pentecostal perspective, being an ordained minister in the Elim Pentecostal Church in the UK. He […]

Craig Keener: Paul and Spiritual Warfare

Craig Keener: Paul and Spiritual Warfare

Craig S. Keener, “Paul and Spiritual Warfare” in Paul’s Missionary Methods: In His Time and Ours (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2012), pages 107-123. Spiritual warfare is a topic that has attracted a good deal of attention in recent years; this is perhaps especially true within the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements. Whole books have been […]

From the East: A Russian Orthodox Priest Explains His Spiritual Views

From the East: A Russian Orthodox Priest Explains His Spiritual Views

In countries such as Russia, it’s almost impossible to ignore the Orthodox Church’s influence. While living in Russia with my American missionary parents, I was exposed to facets of Orthodoxy almost every week. We drove past exquisite cathedrals on the way to my parents’ bilingual Charismatic church, which was held in a movie theater. While […]

Bill Hull: Straight Talk on Spiritual Power, reviewed by Robert Graves

Bill Hull: Straight Talk on Spiritual Power, reviewed by Robert Graves

Bill Hull, Straight Talk on Spiritual Power: Experiencing the Fullness of God in the Church (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2002), 255 pages, ISBN 9781441243720. Although the accuracy of teaching is preeminent when judging the quality of a book, credit must be given for its tone when appropriate. From page one of Hull’s work, the reader […]

Spiritual Transformation through Pentecostal Testimony, by Tony Richie

Spiritual Transformation through Pentecostal Testimony, by Tony Richie

A presentation by Tony Richie at Ministers’ Week 2014 at the Pentecostal Theological Seminary.

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