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Tag: "interview"

The Global Reach and Lasting Legacy of Italian Pentecostalism: An Interview with Paul Palma

The Global Reach and Lasting Legacy of Italian Pentecostalism: An Interview with Paul Palma

Those who are familiar with the New Testament book of Acts, perhaps especially Pentecostal believers, know that people in various places in the first century world received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit with the physical sign of speaking in tongues. Both Jews (Acts 2) and Gentiles (Acts 10) had this experience. This pattern has […]

Bringing Our Requests to God: An Interview with Sam Storms

Bringing Our Requests to God: An Interview with Sam Storms

Speaking with us about his book, The Language of Heaven, pastor-scholar Sam Storms discusses the gift of tongues and the blessing it is to individuals and the local church.   Pneuma Review: At this point in church history speaking in tongues is still a controversial subject. What would you say to someone who refers to […]

How then shall we live: an interview with Jonathan Cahn about The Oracle

How then shall we live: an interview with Jonathan Cahn about The Oracle

End Times teacher Jonathan Cahn speaks with about his life and ministry and his newly released book, The Oracle: The Jubilean Mysteries Unveiled. Please tell us about your story. Where do you come from? What has your spiritual journey looked like? What has God called you to be doing in this season of life?  […]

In Jesus we have overcome, an interview with Michael Brown

In Jesus we have overcome, an interview with Michael Brown

Dr. Michael Brown speaks with Pneuma Review about his new book, Jezebel’s War With America. He urges believers to remember who we are in Jesus and take a stand against the spirit of the age. Please explain to our readers what you mean by Jezebel being at war with America when the historical […]

Wanting What the Lord Wants, an Interview with Paul King

Wanting What the Lord Wants, an Interview with Paul King

Paul King, who is a Bible teacher, evangelist, educator, historian, pastor, and cancer survivor, has distinguished qualifications to talk about what God has done and what God is doing. In this interview with, we speak with him about his own story and his recent book, Is It of God? that addresses crucial questions about […]

Avoiding Spiritual Dangers and Pitfalls: an interview with Eddie Hyatt

Avoiding Spiritual Dangers and Pitfalls: an interview with Eddie Hyatt

Having recently read and reviewed Angels of Light by Eddie Hyatt, Pastor Larry Russi asks questions to clarify and go even more in-depth.   Larry Russi: Thank you Dr. Hyatt for agreeing to do this interview. I was greatly blessed by your book. Larry Russi: What were the main factors that prompted you to write […]

Manifestations and Gifts of the Spirit: An Interview with Andrew Gabriel

Manifestations and Gifts of the Spirit: An Interview with Andrew Gabriel

Pneuma Review: Please tell our readers about your Pentecostal roots. Andrew Gabriel: I grew up worshipping in primarily Pentecostal churches, although we did, at times, attend some other denominational churches. After graduating from high school, I studied at a Pentecostal Bible college, and eventually I was ordained in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, as I […]

Revival, Truth, and Persecution: An interview with Eugene Bach

Revival, Truth, and Persecution: An interview with Eugene Bach The Back to Jerusalem ministry that you work with recently released a new study resource called Chasing Revival: A Road Trip Bible Study, where did the idea for this resource come from? Eugene Bach: I travel more than 300 days a year for ministry and see a lot of different types of Christians. I […]

Passion for the Good News: an interview with David Joannes

Passion for the Good News: an interview with David Joannes

Missionary David Joannes speaks with Pneuma Review about his book, The Mind of a Missionary, and about sharing the story of Jesus no matter the cost. You are involved in cross-cultural missions. Please tell our readers how long you have served overseas and where. David Joannes: I got started in missions in 1994 […]

Planting Churches in the Most Difficult Places: An interview with Dick Brogden

Planting Churches in the Most Difficult Places: An interview with Dick Brogden LIVE|DEAD is an interesting name for a ministry, please explain the meaning of the name. Dick Brogden: Live Dead was birthed out of a desire to see teams planting churches among every unreached people group (UPG) in East Africa. At the time, my wife and I were leading a multi-cultural church planting team in […]

Experiencing Life in the Spirit: an interview with Frank Billman

Experiencing Life in the Spirit: an interview with Frank Billman speaks with Christian historian and renewalist, Frank Billman, about John Wesley, the Methodist Church, and the supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit today. You have written a book called The Supernatural Thread in Methodism. Please tell our readers a little bit about the book. Frank Billman: I have always had an interest in […]

Clearing the Smoke, Fanning the Flames: An Interview with Michael Brown

Clearing the Smoke, Fanning the Flames: An Interview with Michael Brown

Pneuma Review speaks with Dr. Michael L. Brown about his story, Playing With Holy Fire, and encouraging the biblical use of spiritual gifts. Briefly describe your own personal history in the Pentecostal/Charismatic church. Michael Brown: The Lord saved me in an Italian Pentecostal church in Queens, New York in 1971. That was my first […]

Holy Spirit Invasion: An Interview With Dean Merrill

Holy Spirit Invasion: An Interview With Dean Merrill speaks with Dean Merrill, the author or co-author of almost 50 books, about his latest book that investigates amazing and true stories of the work of the Holy Spirit today. Please tell our readers about any ways in which the Pentecostal or Charismatic movements have touched your life. Dean Merrill: My parents, […]

Good News of the Kingdom of God: An Interview with Paul Pomerville

Good News of the Kingdom of God: An Interview with Paul Pomerville

Author of The Third Force in Missions, Missionary-scholar Paul Pomerville speaks with about theologies and attitudes he believes have hindered the effectiveness of the church, particularly the church in the West. He urges Pentecostals to throw off the poisonous ideas of colonialism and the Enlightenment and instead be filled with the Holy Spirit of […]

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