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Avoiding Spiritual Dangers and Pitfalls: an interview with Eddie Hyatt

Avoiding Spiritual Dangers and Pitfalls: an interview with Eddie Hyatt

Having recently read and reviewed Angels of Light by Eddie Hyatt, Pastor Larry Russi asks questions to clarify and go even more in-depth.   Larry Russi: Thank you Dr. Hyatt for agreeing to do this interview. I was greatly blessed by your book. Larry Russi: What were the main factors that prompted you to write […]

Manifestations and Gifts of the Spirit: An Interview with Andrew Gabriel

Manifestations and Gifts of the Spirit: An Interview with Andrew Gabriel

Pneuma Review: Please tell our readers about your Pentecostal roots. Andrew Gabriel: I grew up worshipping in primarily Pentecostal churches, although we did, at times, attend some other denominational churches. After graduating from high school, I studied at a Pentecostal Bible college, and eventually I was ordained in the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, as I […]

God is Using Dreams

God is Using Dreams

In this excerpt from his book, Jesus in Iran, Eugene Bach shares how God is using dreams and visions to draw Muslims into a relationship with Jesus the Messiah.   I would like to state that I am not much into visions and dreams. In Christian circles, I am in the minority. After serving for more […]

The Resurgence of the Gospel, Part Four: The Reconversion of Europe

The Resurgence of the Gospel, Part Four: The Reconversion of Europe

The Resurgence of the Gospel and the Flowering of the Global Christian Message Part Four: The Reconversion of Europe How did monasteries, hospitality, and persecution lead to the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Part of The Gospel in History series.   The Re-conversion of Europe At this juncture, I turn my attention back […]

The City of Darkness, an excerpt from The Mind of a Missionary

The City of Darkness, an excerpt from The Mind of a Missionary

The Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong is one of history’s great anomalies. It was, in fact, a world unto its own.[i] Two governments claimed jurisdiction, but neither actively administered it; anarchy reigned while secret societies presided over the no-man’s land. High-rise apartments situated atop a labyrinth of dark, filthy corridors. A mere six acres […]

Revival, Truth, and Persecution: An interview with Eugene Bach

Revival, Truth, and Persecution: An interview with Eugene Bach The Back to Jerusalem ministry that you work with recently released a new study resource called Chasing Revival: A Road Trip Bible Study, where did the idea for this resource come from? Eugene Bach: I travel more than 300 days a year for ministry and see a lot of different types of Christians. I […]

Two Common Myths about the Spirit-Filled Life

Two Common Myths about the Spirit-Filled Life

Many Christians believe the myth that ‘Spirit-filled’ or even ‘spiritual’ must indicate something or someone a little strange. Depending on how much exposure people have had to the Pentecostal-Charismatic movement, they might associate the words ‘Spirit-filled’ with people who claim to be inspired by the Spirit to bark like dogs, scream, or roll around on […]

Following in His Steps

Following in His Steps

Edie Mourey is an author, editor, historian, and granddaughter of Pentecostal pioneer Ivan Spencer. In this warm story about her adventure to learn more about her own heritage, she discovered anew how all of us that follow hard after Jesus become part of His legacy.   Americans seem obsessed with discovering their ancestry. With DNA […]

Randy Clark: Stories of Divine Healing, reviewed by J. D. King

Randy Clark: Stories of Divine Healing, reviewed by J. D. King

Rescuing Our Pentecostal Heritage Randy Clark, Stories of Divine Healing: Supernatural Testimonies that Ignite Faith for Your Healing (NMG/Destiny Image, 2018), 288 pages. While attending the Society For Pentecostal Studies meeting in Cleveland, Tennessee in early 2018, I had a troubling conversation about the viability of divine healing. A young academic told me he accepted […]

The Holy Spirit’s Miraculous Gifts, by Charles Carrin

The Holy Spirit’s Miraculous Gifts, by Charles Carrin

God wants to unleash the life-changing, bondage-breaking power of the Holy Spirit in your life. Pastor Chas Carrin points out what the Apostle Paul had to say about this and encourages every Jesus follower to pursue spiritual gifts. The Apostle Paul encountered Jesus on the Damascus Road and was born again; three days later in […]

A Pentecostal Season: The Methodists in England and America, Part 2

A Pentecostal Season: The Methodists in England and America, Part 2

In this excerpt from his book, The Supernatural Thread in Methodism: Signs and Wonders Among Methodists Then and Now, Methodist historian and renewalist Frank Billman reveals how miracles and supernatural interventions were widespread in the ministries of John Wesley and the early Methodists.   George Whitefield Whitefield first took to preaching in the open air […]

Common Barriers to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Common Barriers to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Do you want God to use you? God has put every believer on a journey to become more like Jesus, to walk in the power of the Spirit to proclaim his kingdom. In this excerpt from his book, Say What? A Biblical and Historical Journey on the Connection between the Holy Spirit, Prophecy, and Tongues, […]

The Resurgence of the Gospel, Part One: The Medieval Prologue and the Remapping of the World

The Resurgence of the Gospel, Part One: The Medieval Prologue and the Remapping of the World

The Resurgence of the Gospel and the Flowering of the Global Christian Message Part One: The Medieval Prologue & the Remapping of the World   In Retrospect By looking backwards to the beginning of the spread of the Gospel that Jesus is both Lord and Christ and considering the results of both the life, death […]

Experiencing Life in the Spirit: an interview with Frank Billman

Experiencing Life in the Spirit: an interview with Frank Billman speaks with Christian historian and renewalist, Frank Billman, about John Wesley, the Methodist Church, and the supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit today. You have written a book called The Supernatural Thread in Methodism. Please tell our readers a little bit about the book. Frank Billman: I have always had an interest in […]

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