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Healing ministry began after an Immersion in Love for Jesus: An Interview with Jack Sheffield

Healing ministry began after an Immersion in Love for Jesus: An Interview with Jack Sheffield When were you baptized in the Holy Spirit what differences did this experience bring to your ministry? Jack Sheffield: In 1973, I was converted to Christianity out from a pagan background, and I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in the same moment I was saved. I spoke in a heavenly language not even […]

God Has Done Something Remarkable: An Interview with Paul Hattaway

God Has Done Something Remarkable: An Interview with Paul Hattaway

The largest revival in Christian history: speaks with Bible smuggler and missionary to Asia, Paul Hattaway, about his ministry and new autobiography, An Asian Harvest. You are the founder of a ministry called Asia Harvest. What prompted you to start this ministry and what types of work does Asia Harvest do? Paul […]

Tears: Towards a Biblical Theology

Tears: Towards a Biblical Theology

Introduction Tears universally exist across cultures and throughout history. The Bible records many examples of tears both from humans and from God. In this paper I will explore tears in culture and in various religious traditions. I will explore tears in theology and describe some possibilities for improving churches based on a theology of tears. […]

Empowered 21 Asia Congress 2017

Empowered 21 Asia Congress 2017

Everyone with the most rudimentary knowledge of Christianity knows the most significant revival during the past several centuries was the Pentecostal revival that began at a mission-church on Azusa Street, Los Angeles, USA around April 1906. From that revival missionaries filled with the Holy Spirit went to the nations of the world preaching the Full […]

Robert Graves: Praying in the Spirit, 2nd edition

Robert Graves: Praying in the Spirit, 2nd edition

Robert W. Graves, Praying in the Spirit (Tulsa, OK, Empowered Life, 2017), 280 pages, ISBN 9781680310870. Praying in the Spirit was first released in 1987. Now, thirty years later, it has been re-released in an updated and expanded edition. Robert Graves is eminently qualified to write about this subject because of his longstanding connections to […]

The Demise of Metanarrative and the Implications for Culture

The Demise of Metanarrative and the Implications for Culture

Introduction “Simplifying in the extreme, I define postmodern as incredulity toward metanarratives.”1 “A massive intellectual revolution is taking place that is perhaps as great as that which marked off the modern world from the Middle Ages. The foundations of the modern world are collapsing, and we are entering a postmodern world. The principles forged during […]

The Insanity of God: An Interview with Nik and Ruth Ripken

The Insanity of God: An Interview with Nik and Ruth Ripken Please tell our readers briefly what your film The Insanity of God is about. Nik and Ruth Ripken: The Insanity of God journeys with Nik and Ruth Ripken as they seek to walk in obedience and follow what God has asked of them. From the hills of Kentucky to the villages of Africa they […]

Interview with Charles Carrin about his book Spirit-Empowered Theology

Interview with Charles Carrin about his book Spirit-Empowered Theology Why did you choose to write a book on theology? Charles Carrin: I had a specific God-instruction to write a “charismatic catechism” for the benefit of Spirit-filled believers who had no such resource. I began working and the book assumed the nature of a theological-treatise. There are 300 questions and answers on a progression […]

Spreading from the Frontiers: Another Look at the Gospel in the Medieval Church

Spreading from the Frontiers: Another Look at the Gospel in the Medieval Church

Wars without end, daily terror, displacement of entire populations: Can the medieval Church help us understand how to respond to our troubles today? What relationship should there be between the Church and political power? What should we make of how monks lived out their understanding of the good news of Jesus on the margins of […]

Leadership and Gardening

Leadership and Gardening

Pastor and ministry coach, Dan Reiland, says there are important lessons to be learned in the garden about leadership. My brother Lan is the one in the family with a green thumb. He and his wife Stacey live in Southern California, and their yard is a registered wildlife habitat. When he first told me, I […]

Roger Olson: Reinhold Niebuhr and Stanley Hauerwas: Can Their Approaches to Christian Political Ethics be Bridged?

Roger Olson: Reinhold Niebuhr and Stanley Hauerwas: Can Their Approaches to Christian Political Ethics be Bridged?

Roger E. Olson, “Reinhold Niebuhr and Stanley Hauerwas: Can Their Approaches to Christian Political Ethics be ‘Bridged?’” Patheos (February 27 and 28, 2017). Part 1. Part 2. This two-part article by the noted Evangelical scholar, Roger Olson, should be of interest to practically every reader of Pneuma Review. The article deals with two prominent theologians […]

Speaking with Don Horwitz

Speaking with Don Horwitz

The Executive Director of Christians Care International, Don Horwitz, speaks with about anti-Semitism, the relationship between the Church and Judaism, and his own journey to help the vulnerable and abused in the former Soviet Union. Please tell us a little about yourself, your religious background, family, and your involvement with Christians Care […]

Highlights from Society for Pentecostal Studies 2017

Highlights from Society for Pentecostal Studies 2017

Mike Dies and I were able to attend the 46th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pentecostal Studies which was held at the St. Louis Marriott Hotel, March 9-11, 2017. I always enjoy the opportunity to listen to what world-class Pentecostal scholars are producing and it is a real pleasure to reconnect with writers. […]

The Future of the Church in China: Why China’s House Churches will Prevail

The Future of the Church in China: Why China’s House Churches will Prevail

If you are a Christian from North America or Europe, when you enter the Holy Trinity Church in Kunming, China, the architecture of this beautiful, stately structure will immediately remind you of home, of traditional churches in the West. It even has a steeple. The atmosphere of quiet reverence will also seem familiar to Western […]

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