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Tag: "china"

Paul Hattaway: Hainan: Pearl of the South China Sea

Paul Hattaway: Hainan: Pearl of the South China Sea

Paul Hattaway, Hainan: Pearl of the South China Sea (United Kingdom: Piquant Editions, 2023, also published by Asia Harvest, 2023), 264 pages, ISBN 9781803290133. This book is part of Paul Hattaway’s “China Chronicles” series. The series is devoted to preserving the history of Christianity in China, each volume focuses on one particular province in the […]

Uncovering Treasures: Publishing books with a buried legacy

Uncovering Treasures: Publishing books with a buried legacy speaks with Bethany Hope about rediscovering the writings of missionaries and Christian pioneers. Some of these seasoned followers of Jesus have much to teach us. Underground Publishing House is a new book label, please tell our readers when and where it started. Bethany Hope: At the end of 2022, we were doing […]

Pentecost in China

Pentecost in China

The Holy Spirit has been making Jesus known in China. Veteran missionary Dennis Balcombe shares what he has seen unfolding during his more than fifty years of ministry in China. Bible teachers believe that many prophecies will have a double fulfillment. The first fulfillment was in the Biblical days and subsequently the last days before […]

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Conversation with readers

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Conversation with readers

The editors of are always glad to hear from our readers. We want to encourage interactions with our writers whenever possible. Thank you for leaving comments and sharing with others what has made you think, what’s encouraged you, or even what you disagree with. Is the Church in China Predominantly Pentecostal? reader […]

Paul Hattaway: Xinjiang: China's Gateway to the World

Paul Hattaway: Xinjiang: China’s Gateway to the World

Paul Hattaway, Xinjiang: China’s Gateway to the World (United Kingdom: Piquant Editions, 2022), 359 pages, ISBN ‎9781803290058. This book is volume 6 of Paul Hattaway’s China Chronicles Series. It focuses on the province of Xinjiang, which is located in the northwest area of China, it serves as a passageway “between China and the rest of […]

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 3: Gaining Perspective

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 3: Gaining Perspective

Is the Church in China Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 3: Gaining Perspective: A Contextual Assessment   The strong Pentecostal orientation of the Church in China is striking, but it should not surprise us. In fact, when the recent revival of Christianity in China is viewed against the backdrop of its historical, global, and sociological contexts, this […]

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 2: The House Church Networks

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 2: The House Church Networks

Is the Church in China Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 2: The House Church Networks: A Theological Assessment China for Christ (Fang Cheng) Let us begin with what appears to the largest of the house church networks currently operating in China, China For Christ (sometimes called the Fang Cheng Church). The China for Christ Church began in […]

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 1: Introduction

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 1: Introduction

Is the Church in China Predominantly Pentecostal? Part 1: Introduction By Robert P. Menzies The Wind of the Holy Spirit Will Blow Everywhere From the East coast to the West coast/ The wind of the Holy Spirit will blow everywhere/ From the East to the West/ The glory of the Holy Spirit will be released/ […]

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Author’s Preface

Robert Menzies: Is the Chinese Church Predominantly Pentecostal? Author’s Preface

Author’s Preface: “Is the Church in China Predominantly Pentecostal? An Answer from the ‘Golden Years’ of the Chinese House Church Movement” By Robert P. Menzies The essays that follow are not descriptions of the current state of the church in China.[1] Rather, they represent a slice of Chinese church history, albeit an important slice. Dr. […]

Paul Hattaway: Henan: Inside the Greatest Christian Revival in History

Paul Hattaway: Henan: Inside the Greatest Christian Revival in History

Paul Hattaway, Henan: Inside the Greatest Christian Revival in History (United Kingdom: Piquant Editions/Asia Harvest 2021), 364 pages, ISBN 9781909281783. Henan is book number five in Paul Hattaway’s series “The China Chronicles.” This series focuses on true accounts of Christianity in China; it is thus a work of history. The author points out that this book […]

Miracles, Persecution, and Transformation in China: An interview with Dennis Balcombe

Miracles, Persecution, and Transformation in China: An interview with Dennis Balcombe

Dennis Balcombe has been sharing the story of Jesus in China for over 50 years. Read what this veteran missionary has to say about following God’s call, cultural immersion, watching revival unfold, and how you can be part of the work God is doing wherever you are. You were called to missions while […]

Paul Hattaway: Zhejiang: The Jerusalem of China

Paul Hattaway: Zhejiang: The Jerusalem of China

Paul Hattaway, Zhejiang: The Jerusalem of China (London, England: SPCK, 2019), 288 pages, ISBN 9780281080342 Zhejiang: The Jerusalem of China is the third book in Paul Hattaway’s ambitious project known as the China Chronicles. Each volume in the series presents the Christian history of one the provinces in China. The author’s desire is to preserve […]

The Future of the Church in China: Why China’s House Churches will Prevail

The Future of the Church in China: Why China’s House Churches will Prevail

If you are a Christian from North America or Europe, when you enter the Holy Trinity Church in Kunming, China, the architecture of this beautiful, stately structure will immediately remind you of home, of traditional churches in the West. It even has a steeple. The atmosphere of quiet reverence will also seem familiar to Western […]

Pentecostal Theological Education: Shiloh Bible College China

Pentecostal Theological Education: Shiloh Bible College China

What does Spirit-filled education look like around the world? Seasoned missionary Dennis Balcombe introduces us to Shiloh Bible College in Shenzhen, China. Part of the Pentecostal Theological Education Around the World series from What does Pentecostal Theological Education look like in China? Dennis Balcombe: For this answer I will focus on Shiloh Bible […]

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