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Tag: "browns"

Michael Brown's Authentic Fire, reviewed by John King

Michael Brown’s Authentic Fire, reviewed by John King

  Michael L. Brown, Authentic Fire: A Response to John MacArthur’s Strange Fire (Excel Publishers, Dec 12, 2013), 418 pages. Dr. Michael Brown in his work Authentic Fire confronts the misinformation of Pastor John MacArthur’s outspoken zeal against all things charismatic in his book, Strange Fire. While Dr. Brown admits that on some points Dr. […]

Michael Brown's Authentic Fire, reviewed by Daniel Snape

Michael Brown’s Authentic Fire, reviewed by Daniel Snape

  Michael L. Brown, Authentic Fire: A Response to John MacArthur’s Strange Fire (Excel Publishers, Dec 12, 2013), 418 pages. Authentic Fire is Dr. Michael Brown’s response to John MacArthur’s book Strange Fire. MacArthur’s Strange Fire launches a scathing attack on the Christian Charismatic Movement and so it comes as no surprise that champions of […]

Michael Brown's Authentic Fire, reviewed by Loren Sandford

Michael Brown’s Authentic Fire, reviewed by Loren Sandford

  Michael L. Brown, Authentic Fire: A Response to John MacArthur’s Strange Fire (Excel Publishers, Dec 12, 2013), 418 pages. In my review of John MacArthur’s Strange Fire, I pointed out what I considered to be inexcusable intellectual dishonesty regarding the Charismatic Movement and its contributions to worldwide Christianity. Blanket statements were made with little […]

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