Spring 2007: Suggested Reading
Suggestions for Further Reading

Postmodernism, The Church, and The Future
A Pneuma Review discussion about how the church should respond to postmodernism
Although there are numerous scholarly papers that have been written on the subject of the church and postmodernism, here are some that readers have suggested.
♦ Stanley J. Grenz, “Beyond Foundationalism: Is a Nonfoundationalist Evangelical Theology Possible?”
http://www.luthersem.edu/ctrf/Papers/1998_grenz.pdf [as of Oct 14, 2014]
♦ D. Lyle Dabney, “The Church as a Community of (Un)Common Grace: Toward a Postmodern Ecclesiology”
http://www.luthersem.edu/ctrf/Papers/1997_Dabney.htm [as of Oct 14, 2014]
♦ “Mere Mission” N.T. Wright talks about how to present the gospel in a postmodern world, in an interview with Tim Stafford. http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2007/january/22.38.html [as of Oct 14, 2014]
In addition to this, you may listen to Calvin College’s January Series 2007 lecture by N. T. Wright summarizing his book Simply Christian by going to this address: http://www.calvin.edu/january/2007/ram/20070105.ram [unavailable as of Oct 14, 2014]
Please add your comments, questions, and suggestions below.
Category: Ministry, Spring 2007