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Healing and the History of Redemption: An Interview with J. D. King What do you hope the lasting impact of this book will be?

J. D. King: William De Arteaga recently told me that this book series could be the most significant work on healing in a generation. That is undoubtedly an overstatement. I am excited about what dialogue it might spark but have no pretense about it being anything more than that. One colleague recently told me, “Not enough has been written about healing.” I told him that I agreed and planned to do something about it. If my work spurs more gifted minds to examine this topic, I have succeeded beyond my wildest dreams.




Read and interact with excerpts from Regeneration:


Further Reading:



[1] In a private conversation, Randy Clark told me that several professors have encountered the ministry of healing and have changed their outlook about Charismatic practice. The once liberal seminary now has an openness to gifts of the Holy Spirit.

[2] John Laurence von Mosheim declared, “the conversions of the barbarous nations to Christianity must be ascribed principally to the prodigies and miracles that were wrought.” John Laurence von Mosheim, Institutes of Ecclesiastical History, Ancient and Modern, Volume 1 (New York: Robert Cater & Brothers 1801), 358. The Ostrogoths, Visigoths, and Vandals were introduced “to a religion impregnated with miracles and saintly wonders.” Ronald C. Finucane, Miracles and Pilgrims: Popular Beliefs in Medieval England (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1977, 1995), 20.

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Category: Church History, Winter 2018

About the Author: J.D. King was a supporting leader in the Smithton Outpouring in the late 1990’s and has served as an itinerate speaker, author, and college instructor. In addition to contributing to Charisma Media and Pneuma Review, King wrote Regeneration: A Complete History of Healing in the Christian Church. He is not only pursuing the Kingdom of God but also has a burden to share its wonder with everyone that he meets.

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