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Author Archive for J.D. King

J.D. King was a supporting leader in the Smithton Outpouring in the late 1990’s and has served as an itinerate speaker, author, and college instructor. In addition to contributing to Charisma Media and Pneuma Review, King wrote Regeneration: A Complete History of Healing in the Christian Church. He is not only pursuing the Kingdom of God but also has a burden to share its wonder with everyone that he meets.

Remembering the Iniquities of the Fathers

Remembering the Iniquities of the Fathers

A review essay of Larry Martin’s Charles Fox Parham “Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the LORD, and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out” (Psalm 109:14 NKJV). Larry Martin, Charles Fox Parham: The Unlikely Father of Modern Pentecostalism (New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 2022), 224 pages, ISBN 9781641238014. […]

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Randy Clark: Stories of Divine Healing, reviewed by J. D. King

Randy Clark: Stories of Divine Healing, reviewed by J. D. King

Rescuing Our Pentecostal Heritage Randy Clark, Stories of Divine Healing: Supernatural Testimonies that Ignite Faith for Your Healing (NMG/Destiny Image, 2018), 288 pages. While attending the Society For Pentecostal Studies meeting in Cleveland, Tennessee in early 2018, I had a troubling conversation about the viability of divine healing. A young academic told me he accepted […]

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The Disenchantment of the West: Why Christianity is Waning in the United States and Europe

The Disenchantment of the West: Why Christianity is Waning in the United States and Europe

According to analysts, Christianity is rapidly advancing across the globe. Some are signifying that 3.2 out of 6.9 billion people currently identify with Jesus.[1] Contrary to genuine concerns, Islam surpassing Christianity is improbable. For one thing, Protestant growth from 1960-2000 was three times global population changes and twice that of Islam.[2] Furthermore, Muslim fertility rates[3] […]

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Evangelicalism is in Such a Sad State that we have to Add Caveats to Talk about Miracles

Evangelicalism is in Such a Sad State that we have to Add Caveats to Talk about Miracles

Evangelicals cannot make up their mind about miracles. They typically affirm the “supernatural in theory but deny it in practice.”[1] Although charismata’s scriptural precedent is acknowledged, many are persuaded that it “is not the essence of religion.”[2] Billy Graham, Evangelicalism’s chief architect, declared, “As we approach the end of the age … I believe we […]

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Healing and the History of Redemption: An Interview with J. D. King

Healing and the History of Redemption: An Interview with J. D. King

Pastor J. D. King speaks with about the history of divine healing he has written, the three-volume Regeneration: A Complete History of Healing in the Christian Church. Please tell our readers why you chose the name Regeneration for your book on healing. J. D. King: I understand that some will accept this title […]

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