Daily Seedings: Heart Revelation Not Head Knowledge
Heart Revelation Not Head Knowledge
We know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.
— 1 John 3:2
When John had a vision of the glorified Lord on Patmos, John fell at His feet as dead. The same thing happened to Daniel, and he said all his comely parts turned in him into corruption. Revelation of God always brings a sense of a deep heart need. If sinners can be brought into touch with the Lord, conviction will settle upon them.
The outstanding use of miracles is to bring revelation of God to people—to show His Presence, His power, and His love. It is not merely to meet the needy. That ministry which has not the supernatural and the miraculous in it is void of revelation of God and is lacking in spiritual results. It brings a mental conception but lacks heart revelation. The most of Christianity today is a result of logic and theory. Because it is so void of the supernatural, God has not been able to manifest Himself.
Oh, for the supernatural ministry today! It will come when God’s people come into revelation and knowledge of Him as John, Paul, and Daniel had it. Powerful anointing and ministries are sure to follow the revelation of the Lord.
In these days of mental development and learning, man gets almost everything that he knows by way of mental exercise. We have acquired this method of gaining knowledge in spiritual things. But spiritual things, if they are to become understood, must be by way of the heart. As it is written, “The world through wisdom did not know God” (1 Corinthians 1:21). But with the heart man believes unto righteousness.
What one gets by revelation stays with him and becomes a part of him. What you have received of God cannot be reasoned away.
“…one of the early 20th Century’s prophetic voices still speaks today…” — Jack W. Hayford
Reprinted with permission from Daily Seedings: A Devotional Classic for the Spirit-Filled Life by Ivan Q. Spencer (selected and edited by Edie Mourey), Furrow Press, 2008.
For more about Ivan Spencer, see “Following in His Steps” by Edie Mourey.
Category: Living the Faith, Spring 2020