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Category: In Depth

Transmission Trouble: Clashes in English Language Theological Education in Africa

Transmission Trouble: Clashes in English Language Theological Education in Africa

Missionary-scholar Jim Harries looks at the inherent difficulty in packaging and teaching theology in language translated from another culture.   This short article suggests that there are three possible translation-options when theological education from the West is transferred to Africa. None of those options are very satisfactory. The article concludes that a people need to […]

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Knowing Creation: Perspectives from Theology, Philosophy, and Science, reviewed by Stephen Vantassel

Knowing Creation: Perspectives from Theology, Philosophy, and Science, reviewed by Stephen Vantassel

Andrew B. Torrance and Thomas H. McCall, eds., Knowing Creation: Perspectives from Theology, Philosophy, and Science, Volume 1 (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2018), 352 pages, ISBN 9780310536130. In recent decades, the long struggle between science and theology has intensified, forcing Christian theologians to increase their attention on the doctrine of creation. The challenge facing theologians […]

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Vulnerable Mission

Vulnerable Mission

How can modern Western sending organizations move away from the legacy of colonialism and avoid creating unhealthy dependencies? To start with, carry out ministry in non-Western contexts using the languages and resources of the host culture. This article from missionary-scholar Jim Harries introduces the radical idea of vulnerable mission. This was initially presented as a […]

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The Baptism of Tears: The Two Baptisms of St. Symeon the New Theologian

The Baptism of Tears: The Two Baptisms of St. Symeon the New Theologian

One of the distinctives of the contemporary Pentecostal movement has been the understanding that there are two distinct baptisms. Many outside of the movement do not realize that this is not original, though. Beyond the biblical support for this understanding, one can find different personalities and movements throughout the recorded history of the church who […]

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Wisdom and Power in the Cross of Christ

Wisdom and Power in the Cross of Christ

Excerpts from The Wisdom of the Cross and the Power of the Spirit in the Corinthian Church: Grounding Pneumatic Experiences and Renewal Studies in the Cross of Christ. Abstract: The cross of Christ crucified symbolized the central theme of Paul’s ministry. In his letter to the Corinthians, the apostle commenced his correspondence with “the message […]

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Healing and Salvation in the Cross of Christ

Healing and Salvation in the Cross of Christ

What are some of the practical implications of a theology of the cross and the Spirit in the realm of healing and ministry? This excerpt comes from the final chapter of Cletus Hull’s book, The Wisdom of the Cross and the Power of the Spirit in the Corinthian Church. As a pastor for thirty years, […]

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The Cross Divides the Saved and Lost by God’s Power

The Cross Divides the Saved and Lost by God’s Power

It is the power of God that uses all that the Cross of Christ represents to separate those that are being rescued from those that are lost. This excerpt from Cletus Hull’s book, The Wisdom of the Cross and the Power of the Spirit in the Corinthian Church, is an exegetical study of First Corinthians […]

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Christology and the Cross

Christology and the Cross

There is power in the cross of Christ. In this excerpt, pastor, theologian, and historian Cletus Hull introduces us to his new book, The Wisdom of the Cross and the Power of the Spirit in the Corinthian Church: Grounding Pneumatic Experiences and Renewal Studies in the Cross of Christ.   The cross of Jesus and […]

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Missionary Tongues, T. B. Barratt, and the Soon Coming King

Missionary Tongues, T. B. Barratt, and the Soon Coming King

An expert in European Pentecostal history, Geir Lie, introduces readers to his in-depth look at Pentecostal pioneer T. B. Barratt and the early emphasis of Pentecostals that has often been forgotten.   The history of Thomas Ball Barratt (1862-1940) and his role in the origins of not only the Pentecostal movement in Norway, but in […]

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Edward Irving's Incarnational Christology, Part 3

Edward Irving’s Incarnational Christology, Part 3

Edward Irving’s Incarnational Christology: A Theological Examination of Irving’s Notion of Christ’s Sinful Flesh as it relates to the Fullness of the Incarnation This is the third of a three-part series by Trevor Martindale. He gives us an in-depth look at how Edward Irving, one of the 19th Century’s most important church leaders, understood the […]

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New Spanish Pentecostal Scholarly Journal: Hechos

New Spanish Pentecostal Scholarly Journal: Hechos

Pentecostal theologians Miguel Álvarez and Geir Lie are launching a new scholarly journal in Spanish. Table of Contents from the first issue: “Editorial”, 1. Miguel Álvarez, “Contextualización en la hermenéutica latina”, 3-16. Bernardo Campos, “Aspectos fundamentales en la teología pentecostal”, 17-29. Geir Lie, “T.B. Barratt y el origen de su concepto de ‘lenguas misioneras’”, 31-45. […]

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Ministering to the Needs of the World: 2018 International Dialogue between the World Communion of Reformed Churches and Classical Pentecostals

Ministering to the Needs of the World: 2018 International Dialogue between the World Communion of Reformed Churches and Classical Pentecostals

Mel Robeck has shared with Pneuma Review the press release from the International Dialogue between the World Communion of Reformed Churches and Classical Pentecostals, which concluded on December 4, 2018. Representatives of various classical Pentecostal churches and a delegation from the World Communion of Reformed Churches met in Legon, Accra, Ghana, November 29 – December […]

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Veli-Matti Karkkainen: Creation and Humanity

Veli-Matti Karkkainen: Creation and Humanity

Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Creation and Humanity, A Constructive Christian Theology for the Pluralistic World, Volume 3 (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 2015), pages x+554. As a constructive theologian, Kärkkäinen works to create a coherent explanation of religious belief (in this case, Christian) by honest engagement with a variety of voices, including Christian (i.e. Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, […]

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Edward Irving's Incarnational Christology, Part 2

Edward Irving’s Incarnational Christology, Part 2

Edward Irving’s Incarnational Christology: A Theological Examination of Irving’s Notion of Christ’s Sinful Flesh as it relates to the Fullness of the Incarnation This is the second of a three-part series by Trevor Martindale. He gives us an in-depth look at how Edward Irving, one of the 19th Century’s most important church leaders, understood the […]

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