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Category: In Depth

Gary Burge: Jesus and the Land

Gary Burge: Jesus and the Land

  Gary M. Burge, Jesus and the Land: The New Testament Challenge to “Holy Land” Theology (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic: 2010), 176 pages, ISBN 9780801038983. Affirming the normal human practice of attaching oneself to land—of having a place to call home—Burge recognizes the practical and political challenges this desire poses for both Palestinians and Israelis. […]

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Graham Ward's The Politics of Discipleship, reviewed by Amos Yong

Graham Ward’s The Politics of Discipleship, reviewed by Amos Yong

Graham Ward, The Politics of Discipleship: Becoming Postmaterial Citizens, The Church and Postmodern Culture Series (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2009), 317 pages, ISBN 9780801031588. For most readers of The Pneuma Review, this will not be an easy book to read. Graham Ward, professor of contextual theology and ethics at the University of Manchester in the […]

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Timothy Ward: Words of Life

Timothy Ward: Words of Life

  Timothy Ward, Words of Life: Scripture As the Living and Active Word of God (IVP Academic, Downers Grove, 2009), 184 pages, ISBN 9781433501302. This book is full of contemporary appreciation of the dynamic power of Scripture and invites a reappraisal by the reader of what we really think about the Bible. There are sections […]

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Exploring Ecclesiology

Exploring Ecclesiology

Brad Harper and Paul Louis Metzger, Exploring Ecclesiology: An Evangelical and Ecumenical Introduction (Grand Rapids: Brazos, 2009), 336 pages, ISBN 9781587431739. Exploring Ecclesiology promises “an evangelical and ecumenical introduction” to the doctrine of the church. This subtitle to the otherwise aptly entitled book is multi-faceted and, judging from the nature of the book, intentionally so. […]

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David Jensen: The Lord and Giver of Life

David Jensen: The Lord and Giver of Life

David H. Jensen, ed., The Lord and Giver of Life: Perspectives on Constructive Pneumatology (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 2008), xvii + 189 pages, ISBN 9780664231675. In the published world of often confusing or even misleading titles and subtitles, this collection offers clearly what its title promises: perspectives on constructive pneumatology. The authors of the ten […]

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Highlights from Evangelical Theological Society 2010

Highlights from Evangelical Theological Society 2010

The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society convened November 17-19, 2010, at the Atlanta Hilton in Atlanta, GA. The conference, attended by over 2600 persons from around the globe, had “Justification by Faith” as its major concern. N.T.. Wright, from the University of St. Andrews, and Bishop of Durham in the U.K. spoke […]

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Alister McGrath: A Fine Tuned Universe

Alister McGrath: A Fine Tuned Universe

  Alister E. McGrath, A Fine-Tuned Universe: The Quest for God in Science and Theology (Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2009), xv + 262 pages. Alister McGrath is Professor of Theology, Ministry, and Education at King’s College, London, holding doctorates in both the natural sciences and theology. This title could be seen as an extension of […]

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Calvin Smith, The Jews, Modern Israel and the New Supercessionism

The Jews, Modern Israel and the New Supercessionism, reviewed by Kevin Williams

Calvin L. Smith, ed., The Jews, Modern Israel and the New Supercessionism: Resources for Christians (King’s Divinity Press), 164 pages, ISBN 9780956200600. Finally—a single book that treats Replacement Theology, Israel, and the Jewish people with respect, reason, and biblical integrity. Over many years working with Christians I have encountered too many who will ardently profess […]

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Ivan Satyavrata: The Holy Spirit

Ivan Satyavrata: The Holy Spirit

  Editor’s Note: This is the full review of Ivan Satyavrata, The Holy Spirit: Lord and Giver of Life. For the Review in Brief, see the full Summer 2010 issue of Pneuma Review. Ivan Satyavrata, The Holy Spirit: Lord and Giver of Life, Christian Doctrine in Global Perspective Series (Downers Grove, Illinois: IVP Academic, 2009), […]

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A Science and Religion Primer

A Science and Religion Primer

  Heidi A. Campbell and Heather Looy, eds., A Science and Religion Primer (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2009), 230 pages, ISBN 9780801031502. Read the title carefully! This book is a “primer.” In the publishing world, that means “a short introduction to a subject.” In this case, the book introduces the reader to the dialogue between […]

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Simon Chan, Pentecostal Theology and the Christian Spiritual Tradition

Simon Chan, Pentecostal Theology and the Christian Spiritual Tradition

Simon Chan, Pentecostal Theology and the Christian Spiritual Tradition (Sheffield, UK: Sheffield Academic, 2000, reprint 2003), paperback, 129 pages. Simon Chan dares to offer an answer to a question many contemporary Pentecostals are only recently even daring to ask. How do we pass on Pentecostalism’s distinctive beliefs and experiences to subsequent generations? For apocalyptic and […]

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David Burrell: Deconstructing Theodicy

David Burrell: Deconstructing Theodicy

  David B. Burrell, Deconstructing Theodicy: Why Job Has Nothing to Say to the Puzzle of Suffering (Brazos, 2008), 144 pages, ISBN 9781587432224. How can a Good God allow evil to happen? This question has troubled philosophers and theologians for millennia. In this book by David Burrell, Professor of Philosophy and Theology at the University […]

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Tribute to Professor Ervin: Interview with Daniel Isgrigg

Tribute to Professor Ervin: Interview with Daniel Isgrigg

Pastor Daniel Isgrigg speaks with Pneuma Review about his tribute to Dr. Howard Ervin, “Pilgrimage Into Pentecost: The Pneumatological Legacy of Howard M. Ervin” and his book of the same title.   Pneuma Review: In what ways has Dr. Ervin had an influence on your life? Daniel Isgrigg: The book and paper came about after […]

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David Brondos: Paul on the Cross

David Brondos: Paul on the Cross

  David A. Brondos, Paul on the Cross: Reconstructing the Apostle’s Story of Redemption (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2006), 241 pages, ISBN 9780800637880. It is always healthy to question what we think we know about the Bible, for the simple reason that it is all too easy to smuggle traditional readings into a text that often should […]

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