Blessed and Blessing: David’s Third Anointing
A devotional from Kirk Hunt’s book, Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals for Gospel Champions (CadreMen Press, 2015).
Therefore all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and David made a covenant with them at Hebron before the Lord. And they anointed David king over Israel, according to the word of the Lord by Samuel.
1 Chronicles 11:3 NKJV
The pomp and circumstance of 1 Chronicles 11 and 12 is a highlight in Scripture. The roll calls of valiant men and mighty tribes highlights the weight of David’s leadership. More importantly, it details God’s glory in Israel.
David’s anointing came from God. The great gathering and celebration is really worship and praise of God. Any celebration of anointing must be aimed at the Source, not the servant.
David’s long years of selfless service as a loyal soldier for King Saul, then as an outlaw-protector, are fulfilled in the coronation celebration. David had long since become a noble-leader and warrior-king. This third anointing is mere recognition of the clear and obvious truth of David’s life.
Your third anointing recognizes what has already been true. Your faithful service. Your loyal fulfillment of Kingdom duties. Your empowerment through the Holy Spirit.
Enjoy the celebration. God is receiving worship and glory in the ceremony. Remember, your anointing comes from Him, for His purpose. He chose you and is your source.
God is the source and purpose of my anointing.
“Lord, help me to remember You are the Source and Purpose of my anointing.”
Blessed and Blessing, Devotionals for Gospel Champions
The Kingdom of God is built by the hands and hearts of Gospel Champions. These devotionals are focused on the faithful and courageous men and women who answer God’s call on their lives. Often the least recognized, these Christian servants are the hands, feet and face of God’s present-day Kingdom. Some of the devotions encourage servants to answer His call, then prepare for their mission tasks. Other devotionals address working with others on the frontlines of the Gospel mission. There are devotionals related to finishing in continuing strength and steady faith. Some devotions include Scriptural medicine and reassurance for those who stumble while serving. The servants who bless others are often more blessed than they know. These teachings help Gospel champions recognize and use the gifts God has already given to them. This book benefits the men and women who deliver God’s answers to the physical and spiritual needs around them.
This devotional from Kirk Hunt’s book, Blessed and Blessing: Devotionals for Gospel Champions (CadreMen Press, 2015), is reprinted here with permission. Copyright © by Kirk Hunt and CadreMen Press.
Category: Biblical Studies, Fall 2016