Beware of Professional Christians
3. If Professional Christians leave your church, relax and let them go.
This is tough for all of us. No one wants to see anyone leave the church. I personally hate to see people go. But I remind myself that when this person is a Professional Christian who came from another church in town because they were unhappy there, it is not unlikely that they will become disappointed again.
If they are upset because you won’t offer all that they want when they want it, treat them kindly, but let them leave. I mean that with utter sincerity. Treat them with dignity and respect, but do not persuade them to stay, and by all means do not reshape any part of your ministry to align with their desires.
I know that I have written this article with the potential of being misunderstood. That is the risk of anyone who is willing to be bold for the sake of the good of the church, and puts it in print! I hope you have caught my heart and that my purpose was to challenge and encourage you as a leader. My desire is for your church to flourish, and at times that calls for bold and courageous leadership. May God bless you with both.
From INJOY’s The Pastor’s Coach Volume 6, Issue 19 (2005). This article is used by permission from Dr. Dan Reiland’s free monthly e-newsletter The Pastor’s Coach available at
Category: Ministry, Spring 2019