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Author Archive for John Datema

John Datema, is Family Life Minister at Meridian Christian Church in Lansing, Michigan. With many years of experience in pastoral ministry and education, he enjoys combining his technological background to develop resources and opportunities to help families thrive.

Tony Jones: Inhabiting the Biblical Narrative

Tony Jones: Inhabiting the Biblical Narrative

  Tony Jones, “Inhabiting the Biblical Narrative: How I Learned to Stop Doing Bible Studies and Start Loving the Bible Again” Youthworker (May/Jun 2004, Vol 20, No 5), pages 30-34. In the midst of serving other people and the details of life, it can be easy to forget that there is one large story of […]

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Bill Hull: It's Just Not Working

Bill Hull: It’s Just Not Working

  Bill Hull, “It’s Just Not Working” Leadership (Summer 2005), pages 26-28. Bill Hull challenges the philosophical foundation upon which many ministries are based. We live today in a world where the church attendance number—that one number—allegedly speaks volumes about that church, its leaders, and its mission. The undue importance of that number should be […]

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Tim Keel: Naked in the Pulpit

Tim Keel: Naked in the Pulpit

  Tim Keel, “Naked in the Pulpit: How my preaching became an act of intimacy” Leadership Journal (Winter 2005). What a scary thought: being vulnerable to your congregation. Yet, this is the approach that Tim Keel suggests we pastors should take—a valuable suggestion indeed. Too often I find myself being more concerned with the passing […]

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