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Tag: "faith"

Ryan Burge: Most Nones Still Keep the Faith

Ryan Burge: Most Nones Still Keep the Faith

Ryan Burge “Most ‘Nones’ Still Keep the Faith: When research looks beyond affiliation, the move away from religious institutions becomes more nuanced,” Christianity Today (February 24, 2021). This is an important article for pastors and especially for those involved in evangelization in America. The article is a distillation of Ryan Burge’s just published book, The […]

Living on a Prayer: George Muller, the Brethren and Faith

Living on a Prayer: George Muller, the Brethren and Faith

Christian History Institute (CHI), publisher of Christian History magazine (CHM), announces its latest issue, titled: Living on a Prayer: George Müller, the Brethren and Faith Missions. The entire issue explores the life and times of George Müller, the Prussian pastor who settled in Bristol, England with a mission to evangelize, seek unity of the New Testament church and, relying […]

Faith in the City: How the Early Church Flourished in Urban Centers

Faith in the City: How the Early Church Flourished in Urban Centers

Christian History Institute (CHI), publisher of Christian History magazine (CH), announces its latest issue, titled: Faith in the City – How the Early Church Flourished in Urban Centers. The entire issue focuses on how Christians lived in early urban centers and emerging cities, which became building blocks of Western Civilization. This issue, #124, examines the ancient “city movement” together […]

Reconstructing Word of Faith Theology

Reconstructing Word of Faith Theology

Pastor Vreeland offers a defense, analysis, and refinement of the theology of the Word of Faith Movement.   “O, when it comes to faith, what a living, creative, active, powerful thing it is. It cannot do other than good at all times. It never waits to ask whether there is some good work to do…” […]

Biology of Sin: 2016 Faith & Science Conference

Biology of Sin: 2016 Faith & Science Conference

Are some people destined to sin because of biological tendencies? Learn about this important topic from Christ-following scientists and theologians. Culture increasingly sees a connection between biology and sin. But what does the Bible really say? What does science actually suggest? How should we respond? You’re invited to explore these questions and more with Christian scientists […]

Your Faith: Its Miraculous Origin, Work, And Destination

Your Faith: Its Miraculous Origin, Work, And Destination

A guest article from Christian ministry veteran, Charles Carrin.   Trust is not something that comes on its own. Where does it come from, how does it work, what does trust in God accomplish?   O for a faith that will not shrink, Tho’ pressed by every foe; That will not tremble on the brink […]

Alister McGrath: Faith and Creeds, The Living God

Alister McGrath: Faith and Creeds, The Living God

Alister McGrath, Faith and Creeds: A Guide for Study and Devotion, The Heart of Christian Faith Series (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2013), x + 115 pages. Alister McGrath, The Living God: A Guide for Study and Devotion, The Heart of Christian Faith Series (Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox, 2014), ix + 111 pages. Alister […]

Denis Alexander and Robert White: Science, Faith, and Ethics

Denis Alexander and Robert White: Science, Faith, and Ethics

Denis Alexander and Robert S. White, Science, Faith, And Ethics: Grid or Gridlock? (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2006), xii + 190 pages, ISBN 9781598560183. Molecular biologist Denis Alexander and geophysicist Robert White are committed to both their Christian faith and their scientific fields, which is a characteristic to be emulated by both sides. Since they affirm […]

A Faith Encompassing All Creation, reviewed by Stephen Vantassel

A Faith Encompassing All Creation, reviewed by Stephen Vantassel

Tripp York and Andy Alexis-Baker, eds., A Faith Encompassing All Creation: Addressing Commonly Asked Questions About Christian Care for the Environment, The Peaceable Kingdom Series (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2014). A Faith Encompassing All of Creation is the third book in The Peaceable Kingdom Series. The editors state that the purpose of the […]

Thomas Oden and J.I. Packer: One Faith

Thomas Oden and J.I. Packer: One Faith

Thomas C. Oden and James I. Packer, One Faith: The Evangelical Consensus (Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2004), 223 pages, ISBN 0830832394 Oden and Packer have done evangelicalism a valuable service in this work affirming and outlining its underlying unity contra a reputation for fragmentation. Drawing upon a wide array of trans-denominational and international confessions, […]

Jonathan Malesic: Secret Faith in the Public Square

Jonathan Malesic: Secret Faith in the Public Square

  Jonathan Malesic, Secret Faith in the Public Square: An Argument for the Concealment of Christian Identity (Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2009), 248 pages, ISBN 9781587432262. From outward appearance the author, an assistant professor of Theology at King’s College in Pennsylvania, argues for non-public involvement in public affairs with nothing said of the participants’ Christian […]

A Faith Embracing All Creatures

A Faith Embracing All Creatures, reviewed by Stephen Vantassel

From Pneuma Review Fall 2013. Tripp York and Andy Alexis-Baker, eds., A Faith Embracing All Creatures: Addressing Commonly Asked Questions about Christian Care for Animals (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2012), 212 pages, ISBN 9781610977012. This book is another in an ever growing line of texts attempting to convince Christians that the Church’s traditional understanding of […]

William Lane Craig, Reasonable Faith

William Lane Craig, Reasonable Faith

William Lane Craig, Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics, third edition (Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2008), 416 pages, ISBN 9781433501159. A third edition of what has become something a classic work in the field of Christian apologetics since its original (1984) and second (1994) versions is well worth the reading (or re-reading). The author insists it […]

Paul L. King: Hermeneutics in Modern and Classic Faith Movements

Paul L. King: Hermeneutics in Modern and Classic Faith Movements

If we want to live our lives according to the Bible, how we approach Scripture means everything. What differences in interpretation can we see between the contemporary Word of Faith movement and the classic Faith movement? This chapter is from Paul L. King’s book Only Believe: Examining the Origins and Development of Classic and Contemporary […]

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