Roger Olson: What Baptists get wrong about the Sacraments
Roger E. Olson, “Why I Think Baptists (and ‘baptists’) Have It Wrong about the Sacraments” Patheos (May 27, 2016).
[M]any baptists/Baptists have forgotten their own theology of the sacraments/ordinances and have practiced them inconsistently with our history and theology. – Roger Olson
Olson’s main thrust is about the decline in Baptist churches to remain true to their theology of the sacraments and either not think about the issue, or think about it sloppily. Let me reinforce the point with my own observations as I have witnessed a variety Baptist or “non-denominational” (ex-Baptists) churches do baptism. One church in particular really stunned me when the minister immersed the teen aspirant, but said no words, as in the classic Trinitarian formula, or even the United Pentecostal “Onto the name of Jesus.” Nothing. That is an extreme case, but points to what Olson complains about. I hope many people read Olson’s article and give more thought to their sacramental ministry.

Roger Olson
Reviewed by William De Arteaga
Read Olson’s article online:
Category: Ministry, Summer 2016