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Coming in the Winter 2010 (13:1) Issue

The Kingdom and the Power. The Pneuma Review has received permission to reprint chapters from this important work that asks: “Are Healing and the Spiritual Gifts Used by Jesus and the Early Church Meant for the Church Today?” Kingdom and the Power editors Gray Greig and Kevin Springer take a brief but in depth look at John 14:2, answering cessationist criticisms of the commission to all believers to do the miraculous works of Jesus.



Charles Carrin reminds us of some of the Spirit’s astonishing demonstrations of power in past centuries in the brief article, “Between the Living and the Dead.”



Some reviews to look for in the Winter 2010 issue:


Tony Richie reviews the 2003 reprint of Simon Chan, Pentecostal Theology and the Christian Spiritual Tradition (Sheffield Academic).


Pastor Murray Hohns interacts with E. Myron Noble’s study of Washington D.C. African American Pentecostal-Holiness churches, And They Yet Speak (Middle Atlantic Regional Press, 2006).


Malcolm Brubaker looks at Philip’s Daughters: Women in Pentecostal-Charismatic Leadership (Pickwick Publications, 2009)which was edited by Estrelda Alexander and Amos Yong.


The study of Canadian Pentecostalism: Transition and Transformation (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009), edited by Michael Wilkinson is reviewed by Pentecostal scholar Wolfgang Vondey.


Professional translator Jonathan Downie reviews David Livermore’s Cultural Intelligence: Improving your CQ to Engage our Multicultural World (Baker Academic, 2009).



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Category: Fall 2009

About the Author: The editors are Raul Mock, Mike Dies, Joe Joslin, and Jim Dettmann with significant input from other writers including John Lathrop, Amos Yong, Tony Richie, and Kevin Williams.

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