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Anglican Pentecostal Perspective on Charismatic Leaders Fellowship 2016

Anglican Pentecostal Perspective on Charismatic Leaders Fellowship 2016

The yearly Charismatic Leaders Fellowship met at Oral Roberts University from February 22nd to the 25th. This group has functioned as a discerning and analytical element of the Charismatic Renewal. In the past, for instance, the group dealt with such issues as the mass deliverance meetings that were fashionable in the 1970s, and the discipleship […]

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Getting Your Church Unstuck From Growth Hindrances

Getting Your Church Unstuck From Growth Hindrances

Pastor Dan Brown offers practical suggestions for taking your church to the next level of significance. Most of us have been stuck somewhere, somehow—in the desert sand off the main road; up a tree we climbed in our pre-adolescence; or, on a tricky algebra problem. But somehow, someway we got unstuck. When our tires spun […]

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Randy Frazee, The Connecting Church

Randy Frazee, The Connecting Church

Randy Frazee, The Connecting Church: Beyond Small Groups to Authentic Community (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001), 245 pages. Frazee’s book started off with three forewords; one by Larry Crabb, George Gallup Jr. and Dallas Willard. Its back cover contained words of praise from Willard, Ken Blanchard, J. I. Packer, Marshall Shelly and John C. Maxwell. I […]

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Successful or Fruitful?

Successful or Fruitful?

In this guest article, veteran Christian leader Dan Reiland asks: Are we measuring success in ministry the wrong way? In our fast-paced, high demands, pressure-packed ministries—sometimes the lines of successfulness and fruitfulness can become blurred. Read and reflect on these thoughts and see what the Spirit stirs within you. Power ties and power lunches have […]

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Churching Men

Churching Men

Making your church a modern-day Addullam: Reach, Teach, Release. As you finish your prayer, you realize that the weeping man at the altar has come to Christ. The leather, tattoos and body piercings clearly no longer agree with the transformation you know has changed his soul. As you praise God for this new soul, a […]

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Conflict in the Church: The Uncomfortable Reality

Conflict in the Church: The Uncomfortable Reality

Pastor John Lathrop talks about the inescapable reality of conflict in the body of Christ. The apostle Paul, writing to Timothy, said “If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer, he desires a noble task” (1 Tim. 3:1, NIV). The work is definitely noble but the task is not always easy. Timothy knew that […]

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An Invisible Postmodern Pentecostal Church

An Invisible Postmodern Pentecostal Church

In this guest article by David Redden, he discusses what an integrated paradigm of worship and discipleship might look like for today’s Pentecostal/charismatic. There is much talk about today as to what is Postmodern. You can read books and articles from Leonard Sweet to Peter Wagner and get as many variations on that theme as […]

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Christian Leadership: Growing a Church or Impacting a Community?

Christian Leadership: Growing a Church or Impacting a Community?

Is your church making a lasting impact on the community? As a pastor, I am dedicated to not only grow my church, but to lead them in reaching out to those around us. In this issue of Pastor’s Coach, I share the difference between being focused on church growth and being dedicated to influencing society. […]

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How Youth Ministry Could Fail The Church, by Jeff Grenell

How Youth Ministry Could Fail The Church, by Jeff Grenell

Here are  five ways that Youth Ministry could fail the Church. Unhealthy Youth Leaders There is a difference between ‘busyness’ and ‘business’. When Youth Leaders are busy, they burn out. Because they spend more time in programming and gaming than they do in relationships and study. When Youth Leaders are about the business of the […]

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White House Convention on Religious Pluralism

White House Convention on Religious Pluralism

Tony Richie Summarizes and Reflects on Special White House Convening: “Celebrating and Protecting America’s Tradition of Religious Pluralism”   On Thursday, December 17th from 1:00-4:30 PM the White House conducted a special convening on “Celebrating and Protecting America’s Tradition of Religious Pluralism.”[1] Participation was by White House invitation only. Two Church of God ministers, Cheryl […]

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Joe Hepler: Four Ways To Connect With College Students In Church

Joe Hepler: Four Ways To Connect With College Students In Church

Joe Hepler, “Four Ways to Connect with College Students in Church: How families and individuals can connect and support students away from home” Vital (November 12, 2015). There are innumerable presentations, articles, and books being written on the subject of the Millennials and the Church. These angles include the Church’s lack of connection with the […]

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What Women Want: Pentecostal Women Ministers Speak For Themselves

What Women Want: Pentecostal Women Ministers Speak For Themselves

Kimberly Ervin Alexander and James P. Bowers, What Women Want: Pentecostal Women Ministers Speak For Themselves (Lanham, MD: Seymour Press, 2013), 166 pages. The Church of God (Cleveland, TN) is one of the major Pentecostal bodies in the United States. This book contains the results of a study conducted in that denomination regarding women and […]

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My Ceiling, Their Floor

My Ceiling, Their Floor

Veteran Youth Pastor, Jeff Grenell, introduces five keys for mentoring young leaders. “The reason I have been able to see as far as I have been able to see in my life is because I am standing on the shoulders of great men before me.”  This is a more recent adaption traced back to an […]

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Allan Anderson: To the Ends of the Earth

Allan Anderson: To the Ends of the Earth

Allan Heaton Anderson, To the Ends of the Earth: Pentecostalism and the Transformation of World Christianity (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013), xvi + 311 pages. To the Ends of the Earth examines the historical and theological impact of global Pentecostalism on modern Christianity. Pentecostalism is the fastest growing religious movement in the contemporary world. In […]

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