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William De Arteaga: Forgotten Power

The biblical foundations for his proposal are drawn from 1 and 2 Chronicles, depicting the great revivals during the reigns of Asa, Jehoshaphat, and Hezekiah, which sought to purge the land of all idolatry culminating in the celebration of the Passover. It is in the context of the Passover celebration that Israel renewed her commitment to the covenant. Further examples are taken from Ezra-Nehemiah which presents the people of God renewing their vows to obey the God’s covenant within the context of a community celebration followed by a day of mourning and weeping as the people repented of the sins of their fathers.

De Arteaga provides testimony for the efficacious results of reintegrating the Lord’s Supper into worship. He testifies to the powerful presence of the Spirit, a profound repentance on the part of the worshippers, and miraculous acts of healing during the service. De Arteaga surmises that while modern day revivals are effective in spite of their lack of sacramental worship, coming revivals will restore the fullness of scripture, which include the presence of the sacraments.

Reviewed by Francisco Arriola


This guest review is reprinted by permission of Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies.


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Category: Church History, Spring 2003

About the Author: Francisco R. Arriola, M. Div., M.S.L.S., is an educator and theological librarian. He has served as a research librarian and director at several institutions including Colegio Pentecostal Mizpa in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, Juan L. Lugo Library at Colegio Bíblico Pentecostal in Saint Just, Puerto Rico, and Bolin Library for Pentecostal Research at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida.

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