Tony Richie on Kingdom of Heaven and Justification
McKnight wishes to broaden our approach enough to embrace both Jesus and kingdom with Paul and justification through the more comprehensive concept of gospel. I agree. I simply wish to register that a truly comprehensive gospel is broader still. Its good news is remarkably wide and welcoming!
Read the article online:
1 Tony Richie, “Will the Real Paul Please Stand Up? A Review Essay of Simon Gathercole, “What Did Paul Really Mean?” Christianity Today (August 2007), pp. 22-28, Pneuma Review 11:3 (Summer 2008), 56-64. Now available online at:
2 The Word and the Spirit, trans. David Smith (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986), 1.
3 Holy Spirit and Salvation: The Sources of Christian Theology (WJK, 2010), xi.
4 New International Commentary on the New Testament: The Book of Acts (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1990), 212.
Category: Biblical Studies, Summer 2011