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Tag: "truth"

Eviscerating History: Conspiracy Theories and their Consequences

Eviscerating History: Conspiracy Theories and their Consequences

What’s been tickling your ears? Christian historian William De Arteaga argues that conspiracy theories undermine factual history and he offers practical advice to avoid falsehoods and grow in the truth.   But I tell you that for every careless word that people speak, they will give an account of it on the Day of Judgment. – Matthew 12:36 (NASB) But what […]

Revival, Truth, and Persecution: An interview with Eugene Bach

Revival, Truth, and Persecution: An interview with Eugene Bach The Back to Jerusalem ministry that you work with recently released a new study resource called Chasing Revival: A Road Trip Bible Study, where did the idea for this resource come from? Eugene Bach: I travel more than 300 days a year for ministry and see a lot of different types of Christians. I […]

Charles W. Fuller: The Trouble with "Truth through Personality"

Charles W. Fuller: The Trouble with “Truth through Personality”

Charles W. Fuller, The Trouble with “Truth through Personality”: Phillip Brooks, Incarnation, and the Evangelical Boundaries of Preaching (Eugene, Ore.: Wipf & Stock, 2010), 137 pages, ISBN 9781608994038. ‘Preaching is the bringing of truth through personality,’ stated Phillips Brooks, the former rector of Trinity Church in Boston and later Episcopal bishop of Massachusetts who lived […]

Allegiance, Truth and Power: Three crucial dimensions for Christian living

Allegiance, Truth and Power: Three crucial dimensions for Christian living

  How do experiential truth and the bondage-breaking power of the Spirit support every believer to have a right relationship with God?   Given the fact that the Bible’s primary concern is our relationship to God, a relationship that starts with commitment or allegiance to Him, where are the contextualization studies dealing with relationship? What […]

Confident Belief: What Does it Mean to Know Truth?

Confident Belief: What Does it Mean to Know Truth?

  This article on doubt, certainty, and faith was recommended to Pneuma Review readers in the Fall 2007 issue.   Introduction It’s hard to imagine how any Christian at any time in history could live life completely free from any doubts about the truth of the faith. Suffering, inconsistent behavior among Christians, the lure of […]

Correctly Handling the Word of Truth: An interview with Craig S. Keener

Correctly Handling the Word of Truth: An interview with Craig S. Keener

  An interview with Craig S. Keener by John P. Lathrop. I noticed that of the eleven books that you have had published that you have written three about the Holy Spirit. Is the Holy Spirit a subject of particular interest to you? Craig Keener: When I was a 15-year-old atheist, I argued with those […]

Ajith Fernando: Sharing the Truth in Love

Ajith Fernando: Sharing the Truth in Love

  Ajith Fernando, Sharing the Truth in Love: How to relate to people of other faiths (Grand Rapids: Discovery House Publishers, 2001), 287 pages. Ajith Fernando lives and works in Sri Lanka as the head of Youth for Christ, an organization that will meet with the approval of just about everyone who reads this book […]

The Johannine Anointing: Focusing on Truth

The Johannine Anointing: Focusing on Truth

  In 1977, after a consideration of all New Testament literature, J. K. Moon gave this classic Pentecostal/charismatic, albeit eclectic, definition of the anointing: The anointing is the special presence of the Holy Spirit in the life and ministry of God’s servant which produces an inspiring awareness of the divine presence. His entire faculties are […]

Os Guinness: Time for Truth

Os Guinness: Time for Truth

    Os Guinness, Time for Truth: Living Free in a World of Lies, Hype, and Spin (Baker Books, 2000), 125 pages, ISBN 9780801064036. Have you ever run into someone who was so gifted you felt intimidated? Os Guinness is such a person for me. When I read something that he has authored, I am […]

John Stott: Evangelical Truth

John Stott: Evangelical Truth

  John Stott, Evangelical Truth: A Personal Plea for Unity, Integrity & Faithfulness (Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1999), 131 pages. In this 1999 book, John Stott has summarized with excellence that which all evangelicals hold in common. He begins by defining who the evangelicals are and then applies the three R’s—revelation, redemption, and regeneration—to […]

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