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Tag: "pentecostals"

Ministering to the Needs of the World: 2018 International Dialogue between the World Communion of Reformed Churches and Classical Pentecostals

Ministering to the Needs of the World: 2018 International Dialogue between the World Communion of Reformed Churches and Classical Pentecostals

Mel Robeck has shared with Pneuma Review the press release from the International Dialogue between the World Communion of Reformed Churches and Classical Pentecostals, which concluded on December 4, 2018. Representatives of various classical Pentecostal churches and a delegation from the World Communion of Reformed Churches met in Legon, Accra, Ghana, November 29 – December […]

Pope Francis Recognizes Dialogue with Pentecostals is Important

Pope Francis Recognizes Dialogue with Pentecostals is Important

Dear Friends and Colleagues, This past Friday morning (September 28, 2018), Pope Francis met with the bishops who oversee the work of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity (PCPCU). Cardinal Kurt Koch is President of the PCPCU and Bishop Brian Farrell is its Secretary. The bishops responsible for ecumenism who relate to the PCPCU […]

Pentecostals and Ecumenism: Lost Opportunity or Hopeful Challenge?

Pentecostals and Ecumenism: Lost Opportunity or Hopeful Challenge?

On behalf of the leadership of Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, I am pleased to extend an invitation to you to attend the annual William Menzies Lectureship that will be held on our campus in Baguio City, Philippines, on January 15-19, 2018. The speaker will be Dr. Mel Robeck and the theme is Pentecostals and Ecumenism: […]

Cindy Wooden: Pope Plans Pentecost Celebrations with Charismatics and Pentecostals

Cindy Wooden: Pope Plans Pentecost Celebrations with Charismatics and Pentecostals

Cindy Wooden, “Pope Plans Pentecost Celebrations with Charismatics and Pentecostals” Crux (May 2, 2017). This very brief article in the Catholic journal Crux reveals that Pope Francis is hosting a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the beginnings of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR hereafter). He admitted that when the CCR first came to Argentina […]

Jelle Creemers: Theological Dialogue with Classical Pentecostals

Jelle Creemers: Theological Dialogue with Classical Pentecostals

Jelle Creemers, Theological Dialogue with Classical Pentecostals: Challenges and Opportunities, Ecclesiological Investigations 23 (New York and London: Bloomsbury/T & T Clark, 2015), x + 320 pages. The Roman Catholic-Pentecostal Dialogue has completed five rounds since it was launched in 1971. Each round has consisted of weeklong or so meetings for five or more years, followed […]

Pentecostals and the World: Reflections on the 2015 Society for Pentecostal Studies Convention

Pentecostals and the World: Reflections on the 2015 Society for Pentecostal Studies Convention

I thank God who enabled me to participate in the 44th Annual Meeting for the Society for Pentecostal Studies held at Southeastern University, Lakeland, Florida, on March 12-14, 2015. This was my fourth consecutively attended SPS meeting, having attended my first in 2012. I find this simply miraculous, given that I live overseas in Southeast […]

Miracle Accounts: Majority World Perspectives, by Craig S. Keener

Miracle Accounts: Majority World Perspectives, by Craig S. Keener

An excerpt from Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts, by Craig S. Keener. From Pneuma Review Fall 2013. From Part 3, “Miracle Accounts beyond Antiquity” Chapter 7, “Majority World Perspectives” Pages 238-241 For these countries alone, and for Pentecostals and charismatics in these countries alone, the estimated total of people claiming to have […]

Are Pentecostals offering Strange Fire?

Are Pentecostals offering Strange Fire?

  Did tongues and the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit cease in the early church? John MacArthur says they did and that practicing them today is false worship—an abomination before God. Pneuma Review invites you to respond to these criticisms and to renew the biblical command to “desire spiritual gifts” (1 Cor 14:1). We’ve […]

Neil Hudson, You Will Never Know Where You Are Going Until You Know Where You Came From: British Pentecostals’ past development and future challenges

Neil Hudson, You Will Never Know Where You Are Going Until You Know Where You Came From: British Pentecostals’ past development and future challenges

One hundred years ago, the thought that there would be a new grouping within Evangelicalism that would spread throughout the world with a rate of growth that in certain places would outstrip countries’ birth rates would have been deemed to be a flight of fancy. Yet this is exactly what happened. However, for all their […]

Pentecostals Needed: New NCC Director Partners with Pentecostals

Pentecostals Needed: New NCC Director Partners with Pentecostals

  Explanatory Note: Dr. Antonios Kireopoulos, a Greek Orthodox theologian, formerly Associate General Secretary for International Affairs and Peace at the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, was recently (January 1, 2008) appointed Senior Program Director for Faith & Order and Interfaith Relations at the NCC. The following is an exclusive […]

Grant McClung: Pentecostals: The Sequel

Grant McClung: Pentecostals: The Sequel

  Grant McClung, “Pentecostals: The Sequel: What will it take for this world phenomenon to stay vibrant for another 100 years?” Christianity Today (April 2006), pages 30-36. While some of us who have been reading Christianity Today for years and years—I started in 1961 when the magazine was five years old—may not expect supportive articles […]

Wesley and the Pentecostals

Wesley and the Pentecostals

  Discover the heritage of John Wesley that runs deep in Holiness and Pentecostal movements.   Pentecostalism is what some might call the forgotten legacy of John Wesley. In nearly 100 years the movement has become the fastest growing body of Christians on the face of the planet. Pentecostalism is growing at a rate of […]

Pentecostals and Subordinate Revelation

Pentecostals and Subordinate Revelation

  Do Pentecostals believe in continuing revelation? Edgar Lee writes for a classical Pentecostal audience, explaining how understanding the place of revelation today is important for every Pentecostal/charismatic believer.   “You Pentecostals believe in continuing revelation, don’t you?” That question, posed years ago by an evangelical friend who probably thought I was a little heretical, […]

Worldwide Growth of Pentecostals and Charismatics

Worldwide Growth of Pentecostals and Charismatics

  While mainline denominations continue to decline, unable to even keep their children in the faith, the Pentecostal/charismatic movement continues to grow tremendously.

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    Amos Yong is Professor of Theology & Mission and director of the Center for Missiological Research at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena. His graduate education includes degree...

    Jelle Creemers: Theological Dialogue with Classical Pentecostals

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    Craig S. Keener, Ph.D. (Duke University), is F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. He is author of many books<...

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