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Tag: "modern"

The Gift of Healing: How it Works in the Modern Age

The Gift of Healing: How it Works in the Modern Age

If you walk into many Christian churches and ask about suffering, sickness, and healing, it is likely that you’ll be told that suffering is part of God’s divine plan of redemption. You might even be told that suffering comes from God. Now, we know that God is all good. God is good and good is […]

The Modern Day Warrior (Pressure is Pressure)

The Modern Day Warrior (Pressure is Pressure)

Let’s face facts, we are all going to face some type of pressure in our ministry. How are you reacting to pressure and how do you overcome it?   My nearly-sixteen-year-old daughter’s favorite movie is Braveheart. Naturally, if William Wallace can capture Mackenzie’s heart I want to be all that Wallace is and more. In […]

Recovery from Modern Amnesia: Ancient Practices for a Faith-full Future

Recovery from Modern Amnesia: Ancient Practices for a Faith-full Future

Christian History Institute (CHI), publisher of Christian History magazine (CHM), announces its latest issue, titled: Recovery from Modern Amnesia – Ancient Practices for a Faith-full Future. The entire issue explores the story of Christian thinkers in the last half of the twentieth century whose questions about faith were found to be unsatisfactory in the modern era. These thinkers saw […]

What I Like and Don't Like About the Modern Charismatic Movement

What I Like and Don’t Like About the Modern Charismatic Movement

What I Don’t Like About the Charismatic Movement I don’t like the super-spirituality that is constantly giving rise to new and bizarre teachings and experiences. In this super-spiritual milieu, individuals are constantly seeking some new experience or some new revelation or giving themselves and others impressive sounding titles. All the while, the simplicity and power […]

Bruce McCormack: Orthodox and Modern

Bruce McCormack: Orthodox and Modern

  Bruce L. McCormack, Orthodox and Modern: Studies in the Theology of Karl Barth (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008). Bruce McCormack is the Frederick and Margaret L. Weyerhaeuser Professor of Systematic Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. He instantly became one of the world’s leading interpreters of Karl Barth’s thought with the publication of Karl Barth’s […]

Mapping Modern Theology

Mapping Modern Theology

  Kelly Kapic and Bruce McCormack, eds., Mapping Modern Theology: A Thematic and Historical Introduction (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2012), x + 421 pages, ISBN 9780801035357. Most books on contemporary theology trace key themes in theology or focus on the contributions of influential theologians. While these approaches are helpful, it can be easy to miss […]

Paul L. King: Hermeneutics in Modern and Classic Faith Movements

Paul L. King: Hermeneutics in Modern and Classic Faith Movements

If we want to live our lives according to the Bible, how we approach Scripture means everything. What differences in interpretation can we see between the contemporary Word of Faith movement and the classic Faith movement? This chapter is from Paul L. King’s book Only Believe: Examining the Origins and Development of Classic and Contemporary […]

Calvin Smith, The Jews, Modern Israel and the New Supercessionism

The Jews, Modern Israel and the New Supercessionism, reviewed by Kevin Williams

Calvin L. Smith, ed., The Jews, Modern Israel and the New Supercessionism: Resources for Christians (King’s Divinity Press), 164 pages, ISBN 9780956200600. Finally—a single book that treats Replacement Theology, Israel, and the Jewish people with respect, reason, and biblical integrity. Over many years working with Christians I have encountered too many who will ardently profess […]

The Impact of Martin Luther and the Reformation on Modern Revivalism

The Impact of Martin Luther and the Reformation on Modern Revivalism

  What can the Reformer teach us about revival?   The emphasis by Martin Luther and other Reformers on the ultimate authority of Scripture and the priesthood of all believers opened the way for all the great revivals of the modern era. Luther’s work broke the paralyzing hold of a religious hierarchy that claimed final […]

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