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Tag: "israel"

Israel and Hamas: A Perspective

Israel and Hamas: A Perspective

As Christians, how we perceive the world around us should be shaped and reshaped by our faith. “Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good, well-pleasing, and perfect will of God” (Romans 12:2). But we also have these emotional […]

Neil MacDonald: Metaphysics and the God of Israel

Neil MacDonald: Metaphysics and the God of Israel

Neil B. MacDonald, Metaphysics and the God of Israel: Systematic Theology of the Old and New Testaments (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2006). Neil B. MacDonald (PhD, University of Edinburgh) is currently a lecturer in theology at the University of Surrey Roehampton in London. Academic specialization can lead to a lack of communication among closely related […]

Anti-Semitism in the Church, by Kevin Williams

Anti-Semitism in the Church, by Kevin Williams

As we begin this topic on anti-Semitism in the church, the body of Christ, please understand that at times I may sound harsh. I am not harsh. I ask many questions for the purpose of making people think introspectively, to review their own actions and attitudes, and this can be a difficult task. I pray […]

Robert Kimball Shinkoskey, Do My Prophets No Harm

Robert Shinkoskey’s Do My Prophets No Harm, reviewed by Woodrow Walton

  Robert Kimball Shinkoskey, Do My Prophets No Harm: Revelation and Religious Liberty in the Bible (Eugene, Oregon: Resource Publications, 2011), 206 pages, ISBN 9781608998456. Robert Shinkoskey has two main proposals in Do My Prophets No Harm. The first proposal is that the Ten Commandments provide ancient Israel’s constitutional government. In theory, the Ten Commandments […]

Calvin Smith, The Jews, Modern Israel and the New Supercessionism

The Jews, Modern Israel and the New Supercessionism, reviewed by Kevin Williams

Calvin L. Smith, ed., The Jews, Modern Israel and the New Supercessionism: Resources for Christians (King’s Divinity Press), 164 pages, ISBN 9780956200600. Finally—a single book that treats Replacement Theology, Israel, and the Jewish people with respect, reason, and biblical integrity. Over many years working with Christians I have encountered too many who will ardently profess […]

Don Finto: God's Promise and the Future of Israel

Don Finto: God’s Promise and the Future of Israel

Don Finto, God’s Promise and the Future of Israel: Compelling Questions People Ask About Israel and the Middle East (Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 2005), 231 pages. Pastor Jack Hayford, President of the Foursquare Gospel Church purchased a special run of this book and mailed a copy of this book to every minister in his denomination. […]

Michael Brown: Israel’s Divine Healer

Michael Brown: Israel’s Divine Healer

Israel’s Divine Healer. Michael Brown. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995. Pp. 462. For those who believe that God miraculously heals today, this book is a decisive argument in their favor. I am not aware of any other book that so thoroughly offers a theological and exegetical foundation for divine healing, especially from the Hebrew Scriptures and […]

The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah, Part 1, by Kevin M. Williams

The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah, Part 1, by Kevin M. Williams

  Forward:  As a preparatory note, at times I will mention an “Israeli believer.” The distinction is, these are Jewish believers in Messiah Jesus who are also citizens of national Israel. The political situation in the Holy Land is one that, being recognized as a believer in Jesus can mean losing your job, your home, […]

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