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Tag: "grace"

Henry H. Knight III: John Wesley

Henry H. Knight III: John Wesley

Henry H. Knight III, John Wesley: Optimist of Grace (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2018), xv + 152 pages, ISBN 9781625648389. This work offers a window into the shape of the thought of the Anglican priest and eighteenth-century revivalist John Wesley. Knight uncovers the peculiar theology of the Great Awakening pioneer, illuminating his passion for the gospel […]

Celebration of Grace: What Christ Does for us in Baptism and Communion

Celebration of Grace: What Christ Does for us in Baptism and Communion

One of my earliest Christian memories goes back to the year 1935 when I was five years old and was standing on the edge of Biscayne Bay in Miami, Florida. Our congregation, Little Flock Church, was holding a baptismal service and I was watching my mother and father wade into the water. A dozen others […]

John Piper: Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce

John Piper: Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce

John Piper, Amazing Grace in the Life of William Wilberforce (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, 2006), 76 pages. John Piper did not attempt to add another biography of William Wilberforce’s life. He has instead probed to find the source of what motivated Wilberforce to spend his life for the abolition of slavery in Britain. Piper documented […]

Frank Matera: God’s Saving Grace

Frank Matera: God’s Saving Grace

Frank J. Matera, God’s Saving Grace: A Pauline Theology (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2012), 283 pages, ISBN 9780802867476. In Frank Matera’s God’s Saving Grace: A Pauline Theology the author considers with careful and solid scholarship the totality of Paul’s themes in the canonical thirteen letters of scripture. Matera, a Roman Catholic and professor of Biblical Studies […]

Tim Morris and Don Petcher: Science and Grace

Tim Morris and Don Petcher: Science and Grace

  Tim Morris and Don Petcher, Science & Grace: God’s Reign in the Natural Sciences (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2006), 352 pages, ISBN 9781581345490. Morris (PhD in cellular and molecular biology) and Petcher (PhD in elementary particle physics) originally hoped to write a book about a theology of science for an explicitly Evangelical audience that had […]

Finding the Grace Gates

Finding the Grace Gates

  Marshall Shelley and Eric Reed, “Finding the Grace Gates: An interview with Pastor Joseph Garlington” Leadership (Spring 1999), pages 22-28. Pastor Garlington is the pastor of Covenant Church of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and a frequent speaker and worship leader at Promise Keeper events nationwide. “Finding the Grace Gates” focuses on the role of pastors as […]

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