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Tag: "gospels"

Keith Warrington: The Miracles in the Gospels

Keith Warrington: The Miracles in the Gospels

Keith Warrington, The Miracles in the Gospels: What Do They Teach Us about Jesus? (Peabody: Hendrickson, 2016), 274 pages, ISBN 9781619708327. This text by an accomplished Pentecostal scholar provides the reader with an accessible and up-to-date treatment of Jesus’ miracles that is sufficiently apprised of the primary and secondary literature to keep advanced students and […]

Craig Keener: Matthew, Lecture 1

Craig Keener: Matthew, Lecture 1

The first in a series of 19 lectures on the Gospel of Matthew by Dr. Craig S. Keener of Asbury Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. This lecture is entitled, “The Reliability of the Gospels.”     For further reading: Craig S. Keener, Gospel of Matthew: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary (Eerdmans, 2009). The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining […]

The Historical Jesus of the Gospels with Craig Keener

The Historical Jesus of the Gospels with Craig Keener

  Craig S. Keener asks what can be known about Jesus using basic historical methods? This lecture was given on March 18, 2014 as part of the Ministry Conference at Asbury Theological Seminary.    

Jonathan Pennington: Reading the Gospels Wisely

Jonathan Pennington: Reading the Gospels Wisely

Jonathan T. Pennington, Reading the Gospels Wisely: A Narrative and Theological Introduction (Grand Rapids: Baker, 2012), 268 pages. Employing a narrative-theological approach to understand the Gospels, Pennington uses lively prose but maintains a rigorous scholarship governed by a great respect for Scripture. Pennington writes in the same historical and theological hues of Martin Hengel and […]

Mark Roberts: Can We Trust the Gospels?

Mark Roberts: Can We Trust the Gospels?

  Mark D. Roberts, Can We Trust the Gospels? Investigating the Reliability of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 2007), 202 pages., ISBN 9781581348668. There are more books in print on the subject of biblical criticism than anyone cares to read, so why look at another one? Roberts responded to my unasked […]

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