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Tag: "gospel"

The Medieval Church Conundrum: How the Gospel was Preserved and Spread from the Frontiers

The Medieval Church Conundrum: How the Gospel was Preserved and Spread from the Frontiers

When the Empire made the Church into one of its institutions, how could the radical good news about Jesus the Christ continue to break out and change lives? Part of The Gospel in History series. Conundrum is a strange adjective, yet it is appropriate when one considers the state of the Christian message from AD […]

Frank Macchia: Assessing the Prosperity Gospel

Frank Macchia: Assessing the Prosperity Gospel

Theology professor, Frank Macchia, talks about better ways to approach prosperity teaching in this Seven Minute Seminary from of Asbury Theological Seminary.  

Gospel Carriers, Old and New

Gospel Carriers, Old and New

Historical Digression And all this assembly shall know that the LORD saves not with sword and spear: for the battle is the LORD’s, and he will give you into our hands. (1 Samuel 17:47 KJ2000) During WWII’s Battle of the Coral Sea, 5 warships were sunk and over 1,600 men killed. The historic nature of […]

Darrell Bock's Recovering the Real Lost Gospel, Reviewed by Matthew Jones

Darrell Bock’s Recovering the Real Lost Gospel, Reviewed by Matthew Jones

Darrell L. Bock, Recovering the Real Lost Gospel: Reclaiming the Gospel as Good News (Nashville: B & H Academic, 2010), 146 pages, ISBN 9780805464658. In a postmodern era engaged in endless speculation and thought provoking possibilities, Dr. Darrell Bock, Senior Research Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS), offers a return to […]

Evangelical and Frontier Mission: Perspectives on the Global Progress of the Gospel, reviewed by Malcolm R. Brubaker

Evangelical and Frontier Mission: Perspectives on the Global Progress of the Gospel, reviewed by Malcolm R. Brubaker

Beth Snodderly and A. Scott Moreau, eds., Evangelical and Frontier Mission: Perspectives on the Global Progress of the Gospel (Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2011), 312 pages, ISBN 9781870345989. To the Pentecostal/charismatic readers of The Pneuma Review this work’s title may not seem all that relevant. However, here are some reasons why this collection of […]

Mark Dever: The Gospel and Personal Evangelism

Mark Dever: The Gospel and Personal Evangelism

  Mark E. Dever, The Gospel & Personal Evangelism (Wheaton: Crossway Books, 2007) 124 pages, ISBN 9781581348460. Mark E. Dever believes that personal evangelism is the duty of every Christian. Although some may be more gifted for evangelism than others, he believes that all Christians have a responsibility to share the Gospel with unbelievers. This […]

Communicating and Ministering the Power of the Gospel Cross-culturally: The Power of God for Christians Who Ride Two Horses

Communicating and Ministering the Power of the Gospel Cross-culturally: The Power of God for Christians Who Ride Two Horses

  There are consequences to a powerless Gospel, yet there is a way forward.   Communicating and Ministering the Power of the Gospel Cross-culturally: The Power of God for Christians Who Ride Two Horses By Charles and Marguerite Kraft “Man of God, we will beat you,” the demon said, “because your people ride two horses.” […]

Proclaiming the Gospel with Miraculous Gifts in the Postbiblical Early Church

Proclaiming the Gospel with Miraculous Gifts in the Postbiblical Early Church

  Many stories in Christian history are filled with accounts of charismatic gifts, miracles, signs and wonders.   The emergence of the Pentecostal, the neoPentecostal or charismatic, and third wave movements in our century has raised a variety of vital questions that demand answers. Among these is the issue of whether the spiritual gifts enumerated […]

Rick Nanez: Full Gospel, Fractured Minds?

Rick Nanez: Full Gospel, Fractured Minds?

  Rick M. Nañez, Full Gospel, Fractured Minds?: A Call to Use God’s Gift of the Intellect (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 2005), 235 pages. This book is a first of its kind. While others have tackled the issue of intellectual laxity among evangelicals as a whole, Nañez, an Assemblies of God missionary, is […]

Gospel Riches: Africa’s rapid embrace of prosperity Pentecostalism provokes concern - and hope

Gospel Riches: Africa’s rapid embrace of prosperity Pentecostalism provokes concern – and hope

  Isaac Phiri and Joe Maxwell, “Gospel Riches: Africa’s rapid embrace of prosperity Pentecostalism provokes concern—and hope” Christianity Today (July 2007), pages 22-29. Does faith bring wealth? The 2006 Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life study asked if God would “grant material prosperity to all believers who have enough faith” (24). Nearly nine out […]

N.T. Wright: Judas and the Gospel of Jesus

N.T. Wright: Judas and the Gospel of Jesus

  Nicholas Thomas Wright, Judas and the Gospel of Jesus: Have We Missed the Truth About Christianity? (Baker, 2006), 156 pages. Wright is a lucid writer, with the gift of being able to express himself at both a popular and academic level. This book adopts the popular genre. Wright does not dismiss the Gospel of […]

The Purpose of Signs and Wonders in the New Testament: What Terms for Miraculous Power Denote and Their Relationship to the Gospel, Part 2, by Gary S. Greig

The Purpose of Signs and Wonders in the New Testament: What Terms for Miraculous Power Denote and Their Relationship to the Gospel, Part 2, by Gary S. Greig

  How the New Testament describes the supernatural can tell us a great deal about how we should see the miraculous.   Continued from Part 1 appearing in the Winter 2007 issue   III. Signs, Wonders, and Miracles Are Intended to Encourage Belief and Deepen Faith in Christ It is true that “signs do not […]

The Purpose of Signs and Wonders in the New Testament: What Terms for Miraculous Power Denote and Their Relationship to the Gospel, Part 1, by Gary S. Greig

The Purpose of Signs and Wonders in the New Testament: What Terms for Miraculous Power Denote and Their Relationship to the Gospel, Part 1, by Gary S. Greig

  How the New Testament describes the supernatural can tell us a great deal about how we should see the miraculous.   The year is 1906. A young sixteen year old girl named Henrietta Mears, living in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has just had a painful accident. She somehow “jabbed a hat pin into the pupil of […]

Visual Bible: The Gospel of John

Visual Bible: The Gospel of John

  The Gospel of John (Visual Bible, 2004). The Visual Bible, with productions of The Gospel of Matthew and Acts, continues their quality retelling of biblical stories in The Gospel of John. In this word-for-word drama using the Good News Bible translation, the viewer it taken on a tour of the Messiah’s life as told […]

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