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Tag: "genre"

Rightly Understanding God's Word: Context of Genre, Revelation, by Craig S. Keener

Rightly Understanding God’s Word: Context of Genre, Revelation, by Craig S. Keener

In this chapter from the Rightly Understanding God’s Word series, Craig S. Keener concludes Context of Genre with Part 4, the book of Revelation. What can we learn from this book that so many Christians have disagreed about? As appearing in Pneuma Review Winter 2006.   For an introduction to the Context of Genre, see the […]

Rightly Understanding God's Word: Editor Introduction to Context of Genre, Revelation

Rightly Understanding God’s Word: Editor Introduction to Context of Genre, Revelation

Editor’s Note Christians have argued about how the Last Days would unfold since before the New Testament was written down (see John 20:23). Should you disagree with Professor Keener’s eschatology or how he interprets certain passages, please do not miss his goal of bringing us to a place of greater biblical balance. Though we may […]

Rightly Understanding God's Word: Context of Genre, Part 3, by Craig S. Keener

Rightly Understanding God’s Word: Context of Genre, Part 3, by Craig S. Keener

In this chapter from the Rightly Understanding God’s Word series, Craig S. Keener continues with a study of the type of inspired literature found in the teachings of Jesus, the gospels, letters to churches and individuals, and prophetic passages. As appearing in Pneuma Review Fall 2005.   For an introduction to the Context of Genre, see the […]

Rightly Understanding God's Word: Context of Genre, Part 2, by Craig S. Keener

Rightly Understanding God’s Word: Context of Genre, Part 2, by Craig S. Keener

In this chapter from the Rightly Understanding God’s Word series, Craig S. Keener continues with a study of laws in the Bible, Biblical prayer and songs, proverbs, and romance literature. As appearing in Pneuma Review Summer 2005.   For an introduction to the Context of Genre, see the Spring 2005 edition of the Pneuma Review.   […]

Rightly Understanding God's Word: Context of Genre: Narrative, by Craig S. Keener

Rightly Understanding God’s Word: Context of Genre: Narrative, by Craig S. Keener

In this chapter from the Rightly Understanding God’s Word series, Craig S. Keener investigates the question, what can we really learn from the narratives in the Bible? As appearing in Pneuma Review Spring 2005.   Introduction to Context of Genre Although we have surveyed and illustrated many of the most important general rules for interpretation, […]

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