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William De Arteaga: Agnes Sanford and Her Companions, reviewed by Jon Ruthven

William De Arteaga: Agnes Sanford and Her Companions, reviewed by Jon Ruthven

William L. De Arteaga, Agnes Sanford and Her Companions: The Assault on Cessationism and the Coming of the Charismatic Renewal (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2015), ISBN 9781625649997 William De Arteaga has created a ground-breaking, major contribution that is foundational to the evolving understanding of the Pentecostal/charismatic movement projected to reach 811 million in only […]

Owen Strachan: The Colson Way, reviewed by Kelly Monroe Kullberg

Owen Strachan: The Colson Way, reviewed by Kelly Monroe Kullberg

Owen Strachan, The Colson Way: Loving Your Neighbor and Living with Faith in a Hostile World (Thomas Nelson, 2015). The Colson Way, by Owen Strachan, models, urges and inspires a new generation of courageous Christians to engage and to lead. Wanted: Torch-bearers in the lineage of Augustine, Luther, Wilberforce, Bonhoeffer, Schaeffer, Henry and Colson. (Where […]

The theology and influence of Karl Barth: an interview with Terry Cross

The theology and influence of Karl Barth: an interview with Terry Cross

Karl Barth was an influential Swiss Reformed theologian that lived from 1886 to 1968. Featured on postage stamps and the cover of Time (April 20, 1962), today we would call him a rock star among theologians. A strong critic of those Christians who supported the Nazis, Barth is best known for his involvement in the […]

That the life of Jesus may be manifested: An interview with Dan Izzett

That the life of Jesus may be manifested: An interview with Dan Izzett

What would you do if you learned you had leprosy? Pastor John Lathrop interviews pastor and missionary Dan Izzett about his ministry and advocacy for those afflicted with the ancient, debilitating disease.   John Lathrop: Please tell us where you come from and how you began your walk with Jesus. Dan Izzett: When I was […]

Logic on Fire: The Life and Legacy of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, reviewed by R. T. Kendall

Logic on Fire: The Life and Legacy of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, reviewed by R. T. Kendall

Logic on Fire: The Life and Legacy of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Media Gratiae, 2015). Matthew Robinson, director.  3 disc DVD set with 5 postcard prints and cloth-bound book (128 pages). Logic on Fire is a documentary film about the life and ministry of the greatest preacher of the twentieth century, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981). I […]

The Bible’s Undertaker: Cessationism in Contrast to a Living, Miraculous Christianity

The Bible’s Undertaker: Cessationism in Contrast to a Living, Miraculous Christianity

Introduction Twentieth century Pentecostalism reawakened the world to miracles. The growth of this movement activated individuals in established religion to wrestle with a major player on the world scene of Christianity. Even so, as Pentecostalism expands, the cessationist view resuscitates a theological position that corresponds with the European intellectual development of the late seventeenth and […]

Pursuing the Possibility of Peace with Iran

Pursuing the Possibility of Peace with Iran

Reading news that diplomats say they have an agreement that would block Iran from developing nuclear weapons and prevent another war, my mind went back to the 1979 hostage crisis. As a 19-years-old American, I was so outraged by the treatment of our diplomats that I enlisted in the Navy to prepare for the coming […]

Fire From Heaven: an interview with Harvey Cox

Fire From Heaven: an interview with Harvey Cox

John Lathrop interviewed Harvey Cox at Harvard Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1996 about his book, Fire From Heaven.   What prompted you to write a book about the Pentecostal Movement? Two things prompted me. One was my discovery which came through my great interest in urban ministry. This discovery was that although the […]

The Sinfulness and Destructiveness of Conspiracy Theories

The Sinfulness and Destructiveness of Conspiracy Theories

Chasing conspiracy theories is not going to solve any problems. True restoration begins when God’s people repent and walk in righteousness. A recent conspiracy theory has garnered much national attention. It involves “Jade Helm 15,” an Armed Services training exercise employing the elite units of the Armed Forces in counter-terrorist warfare. About 1,200 servicemen will […]

Sociologist Josh Packard on Church Refugees with Rob Wilkerson

Sociologist Josh Packard on Church Refugees with Rob Wilkerson

  Rob Wilkerson’s interview of sociologist Josh Packard about the people who say they are done with church.     The book being discussed is: Church Refugees: Sociologists Reveal Why People Are DONE With Church But Not Their Faith by Josh Packard and Ashleigh Hope.  

Roger Olson: Embarrassed by the Supernatural?

Roger Olson: Embarrassed by the Supernatural?

Roger Olson, “Embarrassed by the Supernatural?” (April 29, 2015). Roger Olson’s challenge to Western Christianity about the power of God is a bold and biblical one. Questioning the status quo of our current version of traditional Christianity, he rightly believes that it has, “absorbed the worldview of modernity by relegating the supernatural, miracles, scientifically unexplainable […]

An Affirmative Pentecostal Theology of the Miraculous

An Affirmative Pentecostal Theology of the Miraculous

  Introduction I am personally fully persuaded that the Pentecostal/Charismatic movements have been raised up by God in manifestation of the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit through the Lord Jesus Christ. However, I have noticed two reflex reactions that often occur when the subject of miracles is raised. Either a defensive stance or a […]

Pentecostals and the World: Reflections on the 2015 Society for Pentecostal Studies Convention

Pentecostals and the World: Reflections on the 2015 Society for Pentecostal Studies Convention

I thank God who enabled me to participate in the 44th Annual Meeting for the Society for Pentecostal Studies held at Southeastern University, Lakeland, Florida, on March 12-14, 2015. This was my fourth consecutively attended SPS meeting, having attended my first in 2012. I find this simply miraculous, given that I live overseas in Southeast […]

Let the Church be the Church Amidst a National Crisis of Trust

Let the Church be the Church Amidst a National Crisis of Trust

A Call for the Spirit-filled Church to be Proactive, Prodigious, and Prophetic: Let the Church be the Church Amidst a National Calamity, Echoing Once Again – Baltimore this Time!   The collective heart of a grieving nation continues to shatter as protesters shout in vain over the exploding crises between local citizens and law enforcement. […]

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