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Tag: "ethics"

Roger Olson: Reinhold Niebuhr and Stanley Hauerwas: Can Their Approaches to Christian Political Ethics be Bridged?

Roger Olson: Reinhold Niebuhr and Stanley Hauerwas: Can Their Approaches to Christian Political Ethics be Bridged?

Roger E. Olson, “Reinhold Niebuhr and Stanley Hauerwas: Can Their Approaches to Christian Political Ethics be ‘Bridged?’” Patheos (February 27 and 28, 2017). Part 1. Part 2. This two-part article by the noted Evangelical scholar, Roger Olson, should be of interest to practically every reader of Pneuma Review. The article deals with two prominent theologians […]

Denis Alexander and Robert White: Science, Faith, and Ethics

Denis Alexander and Robert White: Science, Faith, and Ethics

Denis Alexander and Robert S. White, Science, Faith, And Ethics: Grid or Gridlock? (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson, 2006), xii + 190 pages, ISBN 9781598560183. Molecular biologist Denis Alexander and geophysicist Robert White are committed to both their Christian faith and their scientific fields, which is a characteristic to be emulated by both sides. Since they affirm […]

The Bible and Christian Ethics, reviewed by Stephen Vantassel

The Bible and Christian Ethics, reviewed by Stephen Vantassel

David Emanuel Singh and Bernard C. Farr, eds., The Bible and Christian Ethics (Oxford: Regnum Books International, 2013), 217 pages, ISBN 9781625643513. This text is a collection of articles on Christian ethics published in the journal Transformation, published by the Oxford Center for Mission Studies. The 18 articles are organized under five different headings. The […]

Nimi Wariboko's The Pentecostal Principle, reviewed by Paul Palma

Nimi Wariboko’s The Pentecostal Principle, reviewed by Paul Palma

Nimi Wariboko, The Pentecostal Principle: Ethical Methodology in New Spirit, Pentecostal Manifestos 5 (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2011), 235 pp. + xii, ISBN 9780802866974. The “Pentecostal Manifestos” series is designed for a rising and outwardly-focused generation of Pentecostal scholarship. In this the fifth book of the collection, Nimi Wariboko, Katherine B. Stuart Professor of Christian Ethics […]

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