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Tag: "essay"

Latino Pentecostalism, a review essay by Amos Yong

Latino Pentecostalism, a review essay by Amos Yong

Gastón Espinosa, Latino Pentecostals in America: Faith and Politics in Action (Cambridge, MA, and London: Harvard University Press, 2014), xi + 505 pages. Daniel Ramírez, Migrating Faith: Pentecostalism in the United States and Mexico in the Twentieth Century (Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2015), xix + 283 pages. Why should readers […]

John MacArthur's Strange Fire, Reviewed by Eddie L. Hyatt

John MacArthur’s Strange Fire, Reviewed by Eddie L. Hyatt

This is a pre-publication review of John MacArthur, Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship (Thomas Nelson, Nov 12, 2013) 9781400205172. As a life-long Pentecostal-Charismatic, I recommend that every Pentecostal-Charismatic leader read Strange Fire by John MacArthur. I say this because we need to see how the bizarre “spiritual” behavior […]

John MacArthur's Strange Fire, Reviewed by R. Loren Sandford

John MacArthur’s Strange Fire, Reviewed by R. Loren Sandford

This is a pre-publication review of John MacArthur, Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship (Thomas Nelson, Nov 12, 2013) 9781400205172. Strange Fire by John MacArthur is basically an attack on anything and everything related to the Charismatic Movement and the various movements descended from it, as if the whole […]

Translation is Important But Worth Less Than Love: A Review Essay by Jonathan Downie

Translation is Important But Worth Less Than Love: A Review Essay by Jonathan Downie

Collin Hansen, “The Son And the Crescent: Bible translations that avoid the phrase ‘Son of God’ are bearing dramatic fruit among Muslims. But that translation has some missionaries and scholars dismayed” Christianity Today (February 2011), pages 18-23. Translation choices continue to be a major issue for the church. While preparing this review, news showed that […]

Between Two Extremes: Balancing Word-Christianity and Spirit-Christianity, a review essay by Amos Yong

Between Two Extremes: Balancing Word-Christianity and Spirit-Christianity, a review essay by Amos Yong

  Paul Cain and R. T. Kendall, The Word and the Spirit: Reclaiming Your Covenant with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God (Eastbourne, E. Sussex: Kingsway Publications, 1996; Orlando, Florida: Creation House, 1998), xviii + 87 pages, ISBN 9780884195443. In 1992, Paul Cain and R.T. Kendall together gave six addresses at the Wembley […]

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