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Tag: "david"

David Hoekema: Missions and Modernity in Colonial Africa

David Hoekema: Missions and Modernity in Colonial Africa

  David Hoekema, “Missions and Modernity in Colonial Africa: Most of what you think you know is wrong” Books & Culture (September/October 2014), pages 32-33. Hoekema’s short article considers the role of 19th Century missionaries to Africa, especially West Africa. Missionaries were good, but colonialists were bad, is in a nutshell his conclusion. Missionary-style subordination […]

David Augsburger: Dissident Discipleship

David Augsburger: Dissident Discipleship

  David Augsburger, Dissident Discipleship: A Spirituality of Self-Surrender, Love of God, and Love of Neighbor (Grand Rapids: Brazos Press, 2006), 245 pages, ISBN 9781587431807. Augsburger, an American Anabaptist author, currently professor of pastoral care and counseling at Fuller Seminary, explains that his book’s purpose is to unfold a “radical, spirituality” that he defines as […]

David Jensen: The Lord and Giver of Life

David Jensen: The Lord and Giver of Life

David H. Jensen, ed., The Lord and Giver of Life: Perspectives on Constructive Pneumatology (Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 2008), xvii + 189 pages, ISBN 9780664231675. In the published world of often confusing or even misleading titles and subtitles, this collection offers clearly what its title promises: perspectives on constructive pneumatology. The authors of the ten […]

David A. Livermore: Cultural Intelligence

David A. Livermore: Cultural Intelligence

  David A. Livermore, Cultural Intelligence: Improving your CQ to Engage our Multicultural World (Baker Academic, 2009), 288 pages, ISBN 9780801035890. What is ‘cultural intelligence’ and why is it important? In today’s multicultural and multilingual world, it is more necessary than ever for church leaders and lay believers to learn how to express “love and […]

David Burrell: Deconstructing Theodicy

David Burrell: Deconstructing Theodicy

  David B. Burrell, Deconstructing Theodicy: Why Job Has Nothing to Say to the Puzzle of Suffering (Brazos, 2008), 144 pages, ISBN 9781587432224. How can a Good God allow evil to happen? This question has troubled philosophers and theologians for millennia. In this book by David Burrell, Professor of Philosophy and Theology at the University […]

David Brondos: Paul on the Cross

David Brondos: Paul on the Cross

  David A. Brondos, Paul on the Cross: Reconstructing the Apostle’s Story of Redemption (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2006), 241 pages, ISBN 9780800637880. It is always healthy to question what we think we know about the Bible, for the simple reason that it is all too easy to smuggle traditional readings into a text that often should […]

David Ravenhill: Surviving the Anointing

David Ravenhill: Surviving the Anointing

  David Ravenhill, Surviving the Anointing: Learning to Effectively Experience and Walk In God’s Power (Shippensburg, PA: Destiny Image, 2007), 198 pages, ISBN 0768424437. David Ravenhill, son of the late Leonard Ravenhill, served in pastoral ministry for a number of years, in more recent times he has embarked on an itinerant preaching ministry. Surviving the […]

David Buschart: Exploring Protestant Traditions

David Buschart: Exploring Protestant Traditions

  W. David Buschart, Exploring Protestant Traditions: An Invitation to Theological Hospitality (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2006), 373 pages, ISBN: 083082832X. This book skillfully explores a number of contemporary Protestant traditions by tracing their historical and ecclesiastical backgrounds, their theological and hermeneutical methods, and their characteristic beliefs. Buschart offers the reader “an invitation to theological […]

A Conversation with Francis and Judith MacNutt, Interview by David Kyle Foster

A Conversation with Francis and Judith MacNutt, Interview by David Kyle Foster

David: What is your first memory of knowing God? Francis: As far back as I can remember I believed in God. I went with my dad to church every Sunday. I was always serious about God and very intent on wanting to do His will.   David: How did that evolve into a call to […]

David Bebbington: The Dominance of Evangelicalism

David Bebbington: The Dominance of Evangelicalism

  David Bebbington, The Dominance of Evangelicalism: The Age of Spurgeon and Moody (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2005), 288 pages, ISBN 9780830825837. In The Dominance of Evangelicalism: The Age of Spurgeon and Moody, David Bebbington provides an outstanding introduction to modern evangelicalism by tracing its origins. In most treatments of the subject the distinguishing characteristic […]

David J. Hesselgrave: Paradigms in Conflict

David J. Hesselgrave: Paradigms in Conflict

David J. Hesselgrave, Paradigms in Conflict: 10 Key Questions in Christian Missions Today (Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2005), 368 pages, ISBN 9780825427701. It is rare to find a very readable and theologically sound volume that examines current missiological issues perceptively with historical backgrounds, biblical exegesis, and practical insight by a recognized giant in the field. David […]

David Aikman: Jesus in Beijing

David Aikman: Jesus in Beijing

  David Aikman, Jesus in Beijing: How Christianity is Transforming China and Changing the Global Balance of Power (Washington, DC: Regenery, 2003), 344 pages. Remarkably, this book is simultaneously profoundly spiritual and provocatively political. Its main thesis is that Christianity is slowly but surely changing China and a changed China may change the world. In […]

David Murrow: Mild At Heart

David Murrow: Mild At Heart

  David Murrow, “Mild At Heart: The disturbing exodus of men from the church, and how you can change it.” Ministries Today (May/June 2005, Vol 23, No. 3), pages 40-44, 46. David Murrow starts his article with statistics. They tell a poor story. Men make up less than 40% of U.S. Churches and that number […]

David Martin: Pentecostalism

David Martin: Pentecostalism

  David Martin, Pentecostalism: The World Their Parish (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 2002), 197+xviii pages, ISBN 9780631231219. How is Pentecostalism shaping the world? David Martin’s thesis is the sociological argument that Pentecostalism functions to advance modernism through the process of secularization. Secularization does not mean a loss of faith, but a reconfiguration of faith in […]

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