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Tag: "church"

75th Church of God International General Assembly: Historic Encounters, Hints of What Lies Ahead

75th Church of God International General Assembly: Historic Encounters, Hints of What Lies Ahead

  Official church historians consider the Church of God (Cleveland, TN USA) the oldest continuing, and one of the largest, Pentecostal ecclesial organizations in the world. It dates back to 1886 with roots in the Unicoi Mountains of Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina. It considers itself more of a movement than a denomination, more […]

John Lathrop: The Power and Practice of the Church

John Lathrop: The Power and Practice of the Church

  John P. Lathrop, The Power and Practice of the Church: God, Discipleship, and Ministry (Waltham, MA: J. Timothy King, 2010), 120 pages, ISBN: 9780981692555. In John P. Lathrop’s second book,[1] The Power and Practice of the Church, readers will find a stimulating compilation of various seminary papers, previously published magazine articles, and sermons which […]

Luke Johnson: Prophetic Jesus, Prophetic Church

Luke Johnson: Prophetic Jesus, Prophetic Church

Luke Timothy Johnson, Prophetic Jesus, Prophetic Church: The Challenge of Luke-Acts to Contemporary Christians (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2011), 198 pages, ISBN 9780802803900. Luke Timothy Johnson is a first-rate biblical exegete and a Roman Catholic. He takes the reader through Luke and Acts, seeing in both the fulfillment in Jesus of the prophetic in the messianic […]

How the Orthodox Church is Gaining Influence in Post-Communist Russia

How the Orthodox Church is Gaining Influence in Post-Communist Russia

  A review essay of John P. Burgess, “In-Churching Russia: Journeying Through the Efforts of Orthodoxy to Return Russia to Faith” First Things (May 2014), by Rachel Mock. The article “In-Churching Russia” by John P. Burgess not only helped me to reexamine my childhood as a Charismatic missionary kid in Moscow, but it also gave […]

Reflections on Andy Lord: Network Church

Reflections on Andy Lord: Network Church

  I believe highly relevant to some current issues dealing with how the Christian tradition engages or might engage contemporary cultural artefacts (such as film and art) or themes expressed via these artefacts, is Andy Lord’s reflection on how we might more deeply inform Pentecostal assumptions about the church in mission with the Missio Dei […]

The Long Journey Home: Understanding and Ministering to the Sexually Abused, edited by Andrew J. Schmutzer

A Charge for Church Leadership: Speaking Out Against Sexual Abuse and Ministering to Survivors, Part 2

  Read part 1 of this chapter, “A Charge for Church Leadership: Speaking Out Against Sexual Abuse and Ministering to Survivors” as appearing in Pneuma Review Winter 2014.   A Pastoral Perspective: Pastor-to-Pastor One of the unfortunate lessons of the past few decades is that although sexual abuse within churches and church families has been […]

The Long Journey Home: Understanding and Ministering to the Sexually Abused, edited by Andrew J. Schmutzer

A Charge for Church Leadership: Speaking Out Against Sexual Abuse and Ministering to Survivors, Part 1

Timid at first, tentative as it were, he began the long journey down the aisle toward the altar rail. I, too, began to walk, slowly, watching each step as I descended the stairs that led from the chancel to the nave and down the aisle. He was large-framed, older, with a look that I took […]

Anti-Semitism in the Church, by Kevin Williams

Anti-Semitism in the Church, by Kevin Williams

As we begin this topic on anti-Semitism in the church, the body of Christ, please understand that at times I may sound harsh. I am not harsh. I ask many questions for the purpose of making people think introspectively, to review their own actions and attitudes, and this can be a difficult task. I pray […]

Andrew Clarke's Serve the Community of the Church, reviewed by Thang San Mung

Andrew Clarke’s Serve the Community of the Church, reviewed by Thang San Mung

Andrew D. Clarke, Serve the Community of the Church: Christians as Leaders and Ministers (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2000), 305 pages, ISBN 9780802841827. This book is a recent release of Eerdmans (2000), as the second volume of the series called “First-Century Christians in the Graeco-Roman World” for the Institute of Early Christianity […]

Frank Macchia on the Gifts of God to the Church

Frank Macchia on the Gifts of God to the Church

Pentecostals and Reformed affirming the value of all of the New Testament Gifts Frank Macchia In the context of this hoopla over cessationism, it might be interesting to see how the issue of spiritual gifts was dealt with in the first round of international talks between the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Pentecostals […]

The Long Journey Home

The Long Journey Home

In Conversation with Andrew Schmutzer An interview with Andrew Schmutzer about The Long Journey Home: Understanding and Ministering to the Sexually Abused, and part 1 of his chapter, “A Theology of Sexuality and its Abuse: Creation, Evil, and the Relational Ecosystem” as appearing in Pneuma Review Summer 2013.           Note from […]

Todd Hunter's Giving Church Another Chance, reviewed by James Williams

Todd Hunter’s Giving Church Another Chance, reviewed by James Williams

Todd D. Hunter, Giving Church Another Chance: Finding New Meaning in Spiritual Practices (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Books, 2010), 167 pages, ISBN 9780830837489. Formerly national director of the Association of Vineyard Churches, USA, Todd Hunter is now a Bishop in the Anglican Communion of North America with the responsibility of church planting. Giving Church Another […]

The Holy Spirit  and the Chinese Church: Interview with Dennis Balcombe

The Holy Spirit and the Chinese Church: Interview with Dennis Balcombe

Veteran missionary, Dennis Balcombe, talks to about the Acts of the Holy Spirit in modern-day China. Pneuma Review: Please tell our readers how you were called to China. Dennis Balcombe: I was brought up in a traditional Methodist church that only preached the “Social Gospel.” At 16 years old, a friend invited me to […]

The Prayer of Jesus: Our call to unity, by John P. Lathrop

The Prayer of Jesus: Our call to unity, by John P. Lathrop

This chapter is from John P. Lathrop’s book Answer the Prayer of Jesus: A Call for Biblical Unity. The Prayer of Jesus In John 17 we find the longest recorded prayer of Jesus; the apostle John, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, included it in his gospel. In fact, it is preserved for us […]

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