Paul Hattaway: Shandong
This book contains a pretty extensive history of Christianity in Shandong. The author drew from a number of sources in order to reconstruct this history (page xiv). The book gives a balanced account of what has taken place there. Hattaway recounts both the challenges and victories of the church in Shandong. He shares accounts of the hardships, sicknesses, persecutions, and losses that many of God’s people suffered in their labors for the Lord. He also recounts the mighty works of God, the conversions, healings, miracles, and deliverances that the Lord wrought there. The book contains many pictures as well as excerpts from letters written in the 1990s (pages 220-229) and 2000s (pages 243-247) by believers in Shandong. At the end of the book there are some very detailed charts. These charts provide census figures for the population in the cities in the province as well as figures regarding the church in those cities. If you are interested in church history, revival, or the church in China, you will want to read this book, it is an important piece of church history.
Reviewed by John Lathrop
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Category: Church History, Fall 2019