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The Holy Spirit’s Role in the End Times: A Pneumatological View of Eschatology, by Bernie Townsend

[18] Kapic and Vander Lugt, “The Ascension of Jesus and the Descent of the Spirit in Patristic Perspective: A Theological Reading.”
[19] Badcock, Light of Truth & Fire of Love: A Theology of the Holy Spirit.
[20] Moltmann, The Crucified God, 244.
[21] After Pentecost, Luke records the Apostles setting out, with the assurance of the Holy Spirit, to proclaim the good news of the coming of the Kingdom of heaven. In the beginning, the church saw itself as subject to the activity of the Spirit and filled with His gifts – Refer Congar p65.
[22] Habets, The Anointed Son: A Trinitarian Spirit Christology.
[23] Hays, The Moral Vision of the New Testament.
[24] Pinnock, Flame of Love; A Theology of the Spirit.
[25] His writings are consistent with other early writers, such as; Athanasias, Gregory of Nyssa (c394 AD) Augustine, and Cyril of Alexandria.
[26] Bezaneon, Furley, and On Frey, How to Understand the Creed, 6.
[27] Ibid., 7.
[28] Edwards, Christ Before Creation.
[29] Congar, I Believe in the Spirit – (translated by David Smith), 144.
[30] Prov 5:7,13, and Matt 28:19-20
[31] Francis, School of the Spirit, 57.
[32] Theological interpretation of Scripture (TIS).
[33] This is necessary to eliminate personal bias and prejudice. The work is about what He wants, not what we might think
[34] Pinnock, Flame of Love; A Theology of the Holy Spirit..
[35] As do the Father and the Son
[36] Marthaler, The Creed.
[37] St. Cyril of Jerusalem – from his catechetical instruction.


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About the Author: Bernie Townsend, MTh (Laidlaw College, New Zealand), is a retired public servant with significant years of service in finance and financial systems. He is the author of The Life and Works of Octavius Hadfield, a Kapiti Missionary: From a Christian Perspective, a Basic Missiological Primer (2011).

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