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Fall 2020

  • Celebrating 150th year of the birth of William J. Seymour

    AFBPS-150Seymour-20201009The Alliance for Black Pentecostal Scholarship invites you to celebrate the sesquicentennial (150 years) of the birth of William J. Seymour. Leading global Pentecostal scholars will be asking: How are churches, practitioners, and scholars from within the black Pentecostal tradition coping with, experiencing, and thinking ... Read More

  • Leaders Use Godly Wisdom to Control their Authority

    wisdom-JessicaDelp-vi23DZ7WQL4-384x576A biblical definition of headship, submission, and wisely using authority. In this brief encouragement for church leaders, Dr. Harbuck points to Jesus as our example for servant-leadership. A good leader guards against the human tendency to abuse and control others for selfish gain. The average person ... Read More

  • International Day of Prayer 2020

    IDOP2020-crop Around the world, at least 260 million Christians face persecution for their faith. According to research, 2983 Christians were killed for their faith in 2019. On average, that is 8 Christians killed for their faith every day! The suffering of persecuted Christians is very real and intensifying ... Read More

  • Then, Now, and Later

    ThenNowLater-banner Jakes Divinity School is inviting you to join us on Thursday, November 5 at 7:00PM CST for an exclusive, virtual live conversation with Bishop T.D. Jakes and Ambassador Andrew Young discussing the topic: “Then, Now and Later: Wisdom from the Civil Rights Era, Reflections ... Read More

  • Empowered21 NextGen Leaders Conference 2021

    E21-NextGenLeaders2021-crop Empowered21 invites you to join the online NextGen Leaders Conference January 27 – 29, 2021. “We are excited to announce the line-up of Spirit-empowered leaders from around the world who will be joining us virtually in January. They will share insights about how you can ... Read More

  • F.F. Bosworth and the Role He Played in the Ministry of T.L. Osborn: An Interview with Dr. LaDonna Osborn

    RBarnes-LOsborn-cover F.F. Bosworth (1877-1958) was a central figure in the Pentecostal movement of the early 20th century and the Post-World War II healing revival. His impact as a famous healing evangelist was unmistakable, and his book, Christ the Healer, remains a popular text on divine healing. Pentecostal ... Read More

  • The Making of the Christian Global Mission, Part 3: Setting a Better Example

    WWalton-SettingBetterExample Christian historian Woodrow Walton continues his investigation into the origins of the modern movements that inspired Christians to go and share the mission and message of Jesus throughout the world. In Part 3, he invites us to learn more about the Quakers and other marginalized ... Read More

  • Fall 2020: Other Significant Articles

    OtherSignificant-Fall2020 Doug Clay, “What is Pentecostalism?” Assemblies of God News (September 30, 2020).   “Research Roundup: Preaching Takeaways from the Latest in Social Science” Christianity Today Pastors (Fall 2020). Compiled by Ted Olson, these fascinating observations from recent social science research are sure to get you thinking about your ... Read More

  • Craig Keener: For All Peoples

    CKeener For All PeoplesCraig S. Keener, For All Peoples: A Biblical Theology of Missions in the Gospels and Acts (Baguio City, Philippines: Asia Pacific Theological Seminary Press, 2020), 122 pages, ISBN 9798665145082. Dr. Craig Keener is a widely recognized New Testament scholar. He is perhaps best known for the biblical ... Read More

  • Pentecostal Classics: An interview with Larry Martin

    LMartin-PentecostalClassics Larry Martin started to share recordings of classic sermons from Pentecostal preachers. Pneuma Review caught up with this busy evangelist and author to ask him about this golden archive available to the public without cost or obligation. Please tell our readers a bit about ... Read More

  • Benevolence

    DReiland-Benelovence Dan Reiland writes to church leaders: Meeting the needs of the poor and needy is difficult to say the least. It’s not just a matter of limited resources, but understanding vision, direction and God’s heart in the matter. This article provides thought to stir you ... Read More

  • Robert Smith: Cultural Marxism: Imaginary Conspiracy or Revolutionary Reality?

    student-KentaroToma-k_hywcojYd0-375x562Robert S. Smith, “Cultural Marxism: Imaginary Conspiracy or Revolutionary Reality?” Themelios, 44:3 (2019), pages 436-465. I cannot stress enough how important this article is. It should be read by anyone in a Christian leadership position. It is the finest article on the background to the takeover ... Read More

  • Hormoz Shariat: Iran’s Great Awakening

    HShariat-IransGreatAwakeningHormoz Shariat, Iran’s Great Awakening: How God is Using A Muslim Convert to Spark Revival (Melissa, TX: Iran Alive Ministries, 2020), 272 pages, ISBN 9781733749046. Dr. Hormoz Shariat is from Iran. He was a Muslim who became a believer in Jesus. This transformation took place in the ... Read More

  • Pursuing the glory and goodness

    JPurves-PursuingGlory&Goodness This paper on the transforming power of the story of Jesus was presented by James Purves as a guest lecture on April 9, 2003, at the International Baptist Theological Seminary in Prague. The full title was “Pursuing the glory and goodness: Christomorphism: Where neopentecostal and ... Read More

  • Getting Spiritually Equipped for Ministry that Matters

    RayFragapane-QM5-lbqzREc-551x368Like Peter’s failing attempt to walk on the water, many believers try to approach Jesus from the realm of intellect and knowledge. While we thank God for the mind and its amazing ability, human wisdom is not enough. Man is a spiritual as well as ... Read More

  • Miracles, Persecution, and Transformation in China: An interview with Dennis Balcombe

    DBalcombe0406-cropDennis Balcombe has been sharing the story of Jesus in China for over 50 years. Read what this veteran missionary has to say about following God’s call, cultural immersion, watching revival unfold, and how you can be part of the work God is doing wherever ... Read More

  • Paul Hattaway: Tibet

    Phattaway-TibetPaul Hattaway, Tibet: The Roof of the World (London, England: SPCK, 2020), 356 pages, ISBN 9780281084135. This book is volume 4 of Paul Hattaway’s series called the China Chronicles. This collection of books is devoted to providing an extensive account of the history and progress of Christianity ... Read More

  • What We Need is Revival

    cityPrayer-NathanDumlao-MrtzHLp4zVM-519x481This guest article by Christian historian William De Arteaga is calling Christians, particularly in the USA, to lay aside political differences and pray for the nation in which God has placed us.   There is a sense a panic among some Evangelicals about the Biden-Harris election ... Read More

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  • Featured Authors

    Amos Yong is Professor of Theology & Mission and director of the Center for Missiological Research at Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena. His graduate education includes degree...

    Jelle Creemers: Theological Dialogue with Classical Pentecostals

    Antipas L. Harris, D.Min. (Boston University), S.T.M. (Yale University Divinity School), M.Div. (Emory University), is the president-dean of Jakes Divinity School and associate pasto...

    Invitation: Stories about transformation

    Craig S. Keener, Ph.D. (Duke University), is F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky. He is author of many books<...

    Studies in Acts

    Daniel A. Brown, PhD, planted The Coastlands, a church near Santa Cruz, California, serving as Senior Pastor for 22 years. Daniel has authored four books and numerous articles, but h...

    Will I Still Be Me After Death?