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Category: Summer 2018

Mark Wilson: The Spirit Said Go

Mark Wilson: The Spirit Said Go

Mark Wilson, The Spirit Said Go: Lessons in Guidance from Paul’s Journeys (Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2017), 164 pages, ISBN 978-1532630132. Mark Wilson is both a scholar and an author. He founded the Asia Minor Research Center in Antalya, Turkey and serves as its director. He is also the author of Biblical Turkey and Victory […]

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Mark Tietjen: Kierkegaard: A Christian Missionary to Christians

Mark Tietjen: Kierkegaard: A Christian Missionary to Christians

Mark A. Tietjen, Kierkegaard: A Christian Missionary to Christians (Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2016), 169 pages, ISBN 9780830840977. An article in the August/September 2016 issue of Philosophy Now asks, “Is Kierkegaard Still Relevant Today?”[1] Author Mark A. Tietjen, who teaches at the Stony Brook School in New York and is the author of Kierkegaard, […]

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Common Barriers to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Common Barriers to the Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Do you want God to use you? God has put every believer on a journey to become more like Jesus, to walk in the power of the Spirit to proclaim his kingdom. In this excerpt from his book, Say What? A Biblical and Historical Journey on the Connection between the Holy Spirit, Prophecy, and Tongues, […]

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Kingdom Family Conference 2018

Kingdom Family Conference 2018

What God is doing in the world today? Pastor John Lathrop tells us about a move of the Holy Spirit in Southeast Asia. A significant Christian conference was held in Indonesia between July 4th and July 6th, it was called the Kingdom Family Conference. My wife and I had the honor of being present for […]

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The Red Letters of Jesus

The Red Letters of Jesus

Why are the words of Jesus in red print? The mother and son Bible translator team of Verna and James Linzey explain the significance of putting the words of Jesus in red letters and how it was supposed to help readers of the Gospels. Are the red letters of Jesus really that different than the […]

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Amos Yong: The Dialogical Spirit

Amos Yong: The Dialogical Spirit

Amos Yong, The Dialogical Spirit: Christian Reason and Theological Method in the Third Millennium (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2014), 352 ages. Amos Yong’s The Dialogical Spirit contains a series of essays written within the past two decades that demonstrates not only thoughtful theological engagement with a variety of critical issues and a host of interlocutors, […]

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Ryan Lokkesmoe: Paul and His Team

Ryan Lokkesmoe: Paul and His Team

Ryan Lokkesmoe, Paul and His Team: What The Early Church Can Teach Us About Leadership and Influence (Chicago, IL: Moody Publishers, 2017), 224 pages. ISBN-10: 0802415644, ISBN-13: 978-0802415646  Ryan Lokkesmoe has a doctorate in New Testament from the University of Denver. He currently serves as lead pastor of Real Hope Community Church, which he helped plant in […]

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The Resurgence of the Gospel, Part One: The Medieval Prologue and the Remapping of the World

The Resurgence of the Gospel, Part One: The Medieval Prologue and the Remapping of the World

The Resurgence of the Gospel and the Flowering of the Global Christian Message Part One: The Medieval Prologue & the Remapping of the World   In Retrospect By looking backwards to the beginning of the spread of the Gospel that Jesus is both Lord and Christ and considering the results of both the life, death […]

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Matthew Kaemingk: Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear

Matthew Kaemingk: Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear

Matthew Kaemingk, Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2018), 338 pages. The kind of book Evangelical Christians need to be reading on navigating Christian-Muslim relations today is the kind of book Matthew Kaemingk has written in Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear. So then, […]

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Experiencing Life in the Spirit: an interview with Frank Billman

Experiencing Life in the Spirit: an interview with Frank Billman speaks with Christian historian and renewalist, Frank Billman, about John Wesley, the Methodist Church, and the supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit today. You have written a book called The Supernatural Thread in Methodism. Please tell our readers a little bit about the book. Frank Billman: I have always had an interest in […]

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Ronald Sider: Nonviolent Action

Ronald Sider: Nonviolent Action

Ronald J. Sider, Nonviolent Action: What Christian Ethics Demands But Most Christians Have Never Really Tried (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Brazos Press, 2015), 191+xvi pages, ISBN 9781587433665. In the book under review, Ronald Sider provides an alternative to the just war vs. pacifism discussion. Just war activists will accept “killing as the last resort” to overcome […]

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New blog on F.F. Bosworth

New blog on F.F. Bosworth

I wanted to invite you to check out my new blog on F.F. Bosworth. It’s called, Bosworth Matters, and it features critical research and commentary on Bosworth’s life history. It is located at A recent post is titled, “Why Ern Baxter Left the Ministry of William Branham: A Look at Problematic Concerns About Faith and ‘Borderline […]

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Jeremiah Campbell: Say What?

Jeremiah Campbell: Say What?

Jeremiah Campbell, Say What? A Biblical and Historical Journey on the Connection between the Holy Spirit, Prophecy, and Tongues (Wipf & Stock, 2018), x + 122 pages, ISBN 9781532646997. Jeremiah Campbell (DMin, Talbot School of Theology) has written a very accessible volume in defense of connections between tongues as prophetic speech and the Baptism in […]

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The Disenchantment of the West: Why Christianity is Waning in the United States and Europe

The Disenchantment of the West: Why Christianity is Waning in the United States and Europe

According to analysts, Christianity is rapidly advancing across the globe. Some are signifying that 3.2 out of 6.9 billion people currently identify with Jesus.[1] Contrary to genuine concerns, Islam surpassing Christianity is improbable. For one thing, Protestant growth from 1960-2000 was three times global population changes and twice that of Islam.[2] Furthermore, Muslim fertility rates[3] […]

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