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Category: Summer 2002

Rodman Williams: The Gift of the Holy Spirit Today: Dimensions

Rodman Williams: The Gift of the Holy Spirit Today: Dimensions

  The second chapter from Professor Williams’ book, The Gift of the Holy Spirit Today, about the greatest reality of our time. Chapter Two: Dimensions We come now to a consideration of the actual giving of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit promised by the Father, sent by the Son, becomes an event in time […]

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The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah, Part 6: Matthew 5:21-7:29, by Kevin M. Williams

The Secret Codes in Matthew: Examining Israel’s Messiah, Part 6: Matthew 5:21-7:29, by Kevin M. Williams

  Part Five of the series examined Yeshua’s1 proclamation, “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish, but to fulfill” (Matthew 5:17). We examined that this statement has, over the centuries, given many believers the impression that Yeshua did away with or annulled the […]

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Gene Green: As For Prophecies, They Will Come to and End

Gene Green: As For Prophecies, They Will Come to and End

Gene L. Green, “‘As For Prophecies, They Will Come to and End’: 2 Peter, Paul and Plutarch on ‘The Obsolescence of Oracles,’” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 82 (2001), pages 107-122. Any Pentecostal/charismatic that has encountered a cessationist—those who believe the “supernatural” gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased—has heard 1 Cor […]

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Vinson Synan: The Century of the Holy Spirit

Vinson Synan: The Century of the Holy Spirit

  Vinson Synan, The Century of the Holy Spirit: 100 Years Of Pentecostal And Charismatic Renewal, 1901-2001 (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2001), 484 pages. Vinson Synan has lived many of the 100 years he chronicles in his latest book which was published to be ready for the World Pentecostal Conference in Los Angeles in May 2000. […]

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Workmen or Captives? Avoiding the Snare of Subjectivity

Workmen or Captives? Avoiding the Snare of Subjectivity

  Pastor Harvey takes a serious look at how we interpret God’s Word and cautions us to avoid the trap of subjective impressions.   Meet Sarah, a widow and mother of two small children. Sarah’s life tends to ricochet between Frenzy and Loneliness, with frequent stops at a place called Exhaustion. Yet Sarah has a […]

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Two Views On Women in Ministry

Two Views On Women in Ministry

  James Beck and Craig Blomberg, eds., Two Views On Women in Ministry (Zondervan, 2001), 383 pages. In the first century the apostles had to struggle with the Gentiles. Can they be accepted as equals in the faith? Can they be raised to positions of deacons, overseers, and elders? Can a Gentile actually be ordained […]

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State of the Church 2002

State of the Church 2002

Half of the Churches in America are growing have fewer than 100 participating adults (25% have less than 50) are located in a rural or small town setting Less than 10% of all churches in America have more than 1000 in attendance. Keys to Growth Growing churches report that they: welcome change have cultural affinity—finding […]

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Summer 2002: Other Significant Articles

Summer 2002: Other Significant Articles

  “Only God is Free” Geoffrey Bromiley. Christianity Today (Feb 4, 2002), pp. 72-75 Want to read more of what others are saying about God’s control and man’s freedom? This professor emeritus at Fuller Theological Seminary specifically addresses openness theology and says that it has an incorrect view of God and man’s freedom.   […]

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