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Category: Spring 2022

God’s Remedy for Earth’s 7,000 Languages

God’s Remedy for Earth’s 7,000 Languages

Worldwide, more than 7,000 languages are spoken in 195 different countries (Genesis 11:7). Wonderfully, the Bible—or portions of it—has been translated into more than 3,000 of these tongues; in some form. Christians are found in most of the nationalities. They dress differently, speak a myriad of languages, and worship in their own cultural ways. Even […]

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Pentecostal Theological Education in the Majority World

Pentecostal Theological Education in the Majority World

Dave Johnson and Rick Wadholm Jr. eds., Pentecostal Theological Education in the Majority World: The Graduate and Post-Graduate Level, Volume 1 (Baguio City, Philippines: Asia Pacific Theological Seminary Press, 2022), 213 pages, ISBN 9789718942994. The editors of this volume, Dave Johnson and Rick Wadholm Jr., are both Assemblies of God ministers. As the back cover […]

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The Toronto Blessing in the Philippines: an interview with Lora Timenia

The Toronto Blessing in the Philippines: an interview with Lora Timenia

The Pneuma Review speaks with Lora Timenia, an Asian Pentecostal scholar, about her book, Third Wave of Pentecostalism in the Philippines: Understanding Toronto Blessing Revivalism’s Signs and Wonders Theology in the Philippines, and what she learned about the Toronto Blessing as a classical Pentecostal. Please tell our readers a little bit about your spiritual […]

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Paul King: Is It Of God? Vol 2

Paul King: Is It Of God? Vol 2

Paul L. King, Is It Of God? Applying Biblical Principles of Spiritual Discernment, Volume 2 (Owasso, OK: Paul King Ministries, 2021), 426 pages, ISBN 9798537657590. Dr. Paul King is a man with diverse ministry experience, he is both an academician and a practitioner. He has two doctoral degrees and has taught at a number of […]

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Michael Brown and Craig Keener: Not Afraid of the Antichrist

Michael Brown and Craig Keener: Not Afraid of the Antichrist

Michael L. Brown and Craig S. Keener, Not Afraid of the Antichrist: Why We Don’t Believe in a Pre-Tribulation Rapture (Chosen, 2019), 238 pages, ISBN 9780800799168. Eschatology—the study of the end times—seems to be a perennial topic of interest among Christian readers (and Christian publishers who seek to supply what the reading public wants). Sadly, […]

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Scot McKnight: Open to the Spirit

Scot McKnight: Open to the Spirit

Scot McKnight, Open to the Spirit: God in Us, God with Us, God Transforming Us (New York: Waterbrook, 2018), ISBN 9781601426345. New Testament scholar Scot McKnight is not your typical seminary professor with a doctorate from the University of Nottingham. Whereas many scholars focus on writing for the academy, or on technical commentaries for seminary-educated […]

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When God Tells You Only Part of the Facts

When God Tells You Only Part of the Facts

Most of us have been in situations where God was leading but when He did not give all the answers we needed. Key elements were missing. Perhaps He put a person in our life whom we later found unreliable and the relationship ended painfully. As pastors, He may have sent us to particular churches only […]

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Hebrews 8 and The Old Covenant

Hebrews 8 and The Old Covenant

One of the rules of hermeneutics is to let the Bible interpret itself. When we step away from this principle, humans have a long track record of misinterpretation, of inserting concepts from the culture or age in which they live as opposed to culture in which it was written, or making improper assumptions due to […]

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Invitation: Stories about transformation

Invitation: Stories about transformation

The Urban Renewal Center launched a new podcast. The show is called, “Narrativity with Dr. Antipas.” “Narrativity” features stories that are both riveting and inspiring. Salient questions of our guests are the following: What happened to you? What changed? How did it change? In what ways have your life changed for the better? What did […]

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Hospitality to Ukrainian Refugees in San Diego

Hospitality to Ukrainian Refugees in San Diego

On Wednesday, April 13, 2022, I had the privilege of ministering to 19 Ukrainian refugees who came across the border of Mexico. They crossed the border the day before legally and spent the night at Old Town Community Church. Other clergymen and women who ministered to them were Alex and Irene Achacoco, who are pastors […]

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    Invitation: Stories about transformation

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